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Innovative Marine Aquariums

plans for my fuge...


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this is a very very very VERY rough skech of my fuge plan I just want to know will this work?

it will look alot better when I am done

glazer any opinions?

lizbeth did you see my

reponse on my other fuge post?

thanks for your opinions


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First off Matt... this isn't solving world hunger or peace in the middle East, it's a refugium.... lol (um, don't get all sensitive like, that's laughing WITH YOU not AT you) Try to keep this all together in one post okay?... you've got threads all over the board, I wanna and would love to help you out but I'm having a hard time keeping up with all the hopping around... not to mention yer gonna get answers in different threads, some prolly telling you different things and YOU are going to get MORE confused... okay? still friends? ;)


Okay, on to business.... your very very VERY rough drawing... if indeed your water lines are layed out EXACTLY as you have the blue lines representing them then it's not going to work very well.

Your overflow hose is what is going to determine the water level in the 'fuge... so you need to raise that up, well unless you don't want much water in it. Secondly, your input line... if you have a power outage you are going to siphon the whole fuge back into the tank, SOOOO unless you have the water in your tank several inches down from full yer gonna overflow it. Input line needs to raised to.

With me on this? Raise the overflow line up on the side of the fuge to the point you want your water level in it to be... THEN either mount your hose for the input through the side of the fuge ever so slightly higher than the overflow hose OR just fix it in place so it hangs over the edge of fuge slightly if you don't wanna drill a second hole.

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that's it! oh wait... haven't read all the/your threads yet I don't think...lol Put some kind of strainer on your overflow hose...not just to keep out algae and debris or whatever, you will most undoubtedly have a snail or two in your fuge... one snail can block the hose either completely or totally...uh problem!, hehe


Good luck with it dood and have fun!

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Whether you are pumping water into the fuge or pumping it out, you will need to create a siphon. Just remember to drill a small hole the pipe that will be siphoning just at the water line so that if the power goes out the siphon will break and not overflow whatever the siphon is going to.

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Listen to Glazer. He is the Master. :P


Anyway..... If I was a board monitor I could merge all your posts but alas I'm not.


The 6500K bulbs are found in many shop lights at walmart and lowes. Look at the base of the bulb, it should say what Kelvin rating it is. You want the 6500K bulb not a lesser number.


Bulkheads can be found at LFS and online. HD and Lowes doesn't have them. Though you can fashion a reasonable one out of PVC fittings.


I had no idea who Sephiroth was when I picked the avatar years ago. In fact I though it was a female figure. :blush: I just thought it was a neat pic.

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