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Gravity return refugiums....


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Hey, I have a quick question. I have had my above tank refuge set up for a little while and was wondering for all of you out there who have one also set up, how do u keep all those air bubbles and what not from coming down into your tank and creating ugly micro bubbles everywhere? I was thinking of putting some filter floss inside the end of my pvc fitting so that it traps all the bubbles but then all my pods and such are also gonna be caught and therefore not able to get into the tank....suggestions?

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Not knowing how you have yours plumbed out not sure I can help.. hard lined? (as in PVC pipe) or flex tubing? What size bulkhead/drain line, how much flow? yadda yadda yadda....


I have my overhead fuge with a feed line off a minijet (clear tubing) sitting in an HOB filter... the drain line (black ringed) just dumps back onto the chute/spillway/whatever ya call it of the HOB sooooo, no bubbles at all.... maybe this will help or if not post some more specifics...

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Im using hard lined pvc piping. The pip dumps off straight into the tank instead of my HOB which may be a reason why its going to be harder to try and figure out a way to stop the bubbles. Before on my old 10 gal, when i set up my refuge I had it dump into my HOB like you have done and i had no problems....


Im using a 3/4" bulkhead for the return and a 1/2" for the input. The refuge is fed by a magdrive 1.5 which sits in the tank and connects to a half-inch vinyl flexible tubing that goes out of the tank and gets plumbed into a normal 1/2" pvc pipe which then goes on to connect into the bulkhead input for the refuge. Sorry if this is a bit vague but hopefully you can get an idea of whats goin on. I will post more specs later but I have to go for now. Later...

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