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Innovative Marine Aquariums

A cheap PVC skimmer

Mr. Fosi

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Well, I finally got it installed on the 5g. I think it looks a little absurd, but it works.








All told, I think I spent around $35, but I have a lot of fittings and pipe that I haven't used.


I will have to do a lot less experimentation with the next one (if there is a next one). That will translate to less $$. I could make another one of these for about $20 and I think that is a lot better than $150.


I guess this thread will pass into obscurity, but it was fun wasn't it?

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Even the best threads vanish. I had no idea just how huge that skimmer is....it's definitely overkill.


Looks rather impressive and imposing behind that 5.5, like an obelisk of water polishing greatness.......

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this is an awesome thread mr. fosi. i am going to try and make me one of these. i have about 24" of 4" dia pvc at my house...and since i know it can be done now, i can't wait to get started. great DIY

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... since i know it can be done now, i can't wait to get started. great DIY


Very cool. Post an update once you start it.


Just a quick update: Before I put this skimmer on the 5.5g I had a nasty film on my water, now it is gone.


I'm getting a few microbubbles in my tank, but I think that is an artifact of having the output feeding into the spillover of the AC70.

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Well, I finally got it installed on the 5g. I think it looks a little absurd, but it works.





LoL, That thing is friggen huge!! Props to you for its construction.




When I first saw this picture I was not sure if it was:


A. Protine Skimmer


B. The worst possible place to hide your bong

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B. The worst possible place to hide your bong




Yeah, that's what everyone at work said when they saw me carrying it around.

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probably smells about the same too.... lol


Naa. It smells like nothing. I have a 3" test cap on top of the cup.

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so what are the dimensions of the skimmer? i might have to make one for my 20H.


I am on my way out of the office and I will post them once I get home.

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29" high

4" diameter


It could be done shorter, or with wider pipe.


In fact, I have already asked around to see if I know anyone that has some scrap pipe so that I can try a shorter/wider version.

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I was looking into my tank earlier today and I noticed that the oily film was back on top of my water. Then I looked in my skimmer and saw that it wasn't skimming.


Rather than do anything, I just let it go. Now the film is gone and there is a stiff foam in the cup.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I took the skimmer offline for now b/c I want to change the output.


I had real trouble controlling the splashes (and therefore salt creep) that were created by the water returning to the AC70.


I am thinking of modding the output with a bubble box and a spillway, but I haven't decided when/how to do it.

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  • 3 years later...

I have a random question that has nothing to do with this build. Why cant you put a air pump tube to the inlet of a venturi to increase air production? seems like it would work right?

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