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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Philip's 30g cube


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I have a suggestion.


It may seem like a pain but it would easy in comparison to having to break the tank down later due to detritus.


Drain the tank down completely. Dry that back area and then take some Black GE Silicone I and put several ribbons of it on the back wall of the glass and then press that egg crate upagainst it. You could even cut the wall back and let a little bit of the glass be vissible on the sides so that you put GSP on it and let it fill in the cracks.

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thanks for the idea.


I think that in ~6 months the eggcrate will be covered in coraline, what irritates me is the space behind the eggcrate where the equipment is. I should have read this thread again closer before I started


He wrapped the eggcrate around and left room to rock everything visible, I should have done that.


the water is cleared up, I'll get a better pic today.



Well at any rate it isn't too late for you to revise the design. Trust me when I say this, if you don't get it right now, you will be un happy with it every time you look. at it. That is partially the reason why my tank is a war zone right now. I just couldn't get the look I was going for. Take your time and play with it. It may take more time than you would like Zip tieing and cutting eggcrate but in the end when it is perfect you will be glad that you did it right.


Good luck and let me know if you need any advice I am always willing to throw around some ideas.

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It does not look nearly as bad as you're saying. Lets see some pix of the tank with the water cleared up a bit. My only concern is the paint you used on the eggrate. I didn't paint mine. I just hope it doesn't contain anything toxic.


So far I like the way you did it.



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I dont like how you can see the zipties wrapped around the rock....You need to drill holes in the back of the rock and zip tie it from the back so you cant see them....It would look 100 times better

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