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10gal Split

Mr. Fosi

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I've never worked with PCs besides the crappy little coralife screw in bulbs. For the negligible price difference, I went MH for my new tank.

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No screw-ins, except the POS light over my refugium (which isn't coralife). Only the bulbs I have are coralife, the ballasts are from ebay.


Dern. I'd live to put an MH over the rollover tank, but there is no way I can cough up the $$ right now.


Anyone else out there know about PCs or have any thoughts on the powerplant for this 10g?

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I guess we can't get the cheap PC fixtures up here, but it would have cost me just as much to get something like a 96W powerquad as it did to get a 70W HQI retrofit kit. I went with the 150W HQI for twenty bucks more.


What kinds of prices are you able to get on PC equipment Vs. MH?

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Pretty much whatever I can find online.


I found a place offering 'refurbished' PC fixtures for really cheap; like $55 for a 96w coralife fixture and bulbs.


I know coralife isn't well liked around these parts, but they are inexpensive and inexpensive is the only thing I can afford right now.


More than the lighting, I'm concerned about what I am going to use to power this tank-beast.

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I'm pretty sure styrofoam is reef safe. Try placing the pump on styrofoam to dampen the vibration.


I was able to get a 70W MH retrofit kit for $100 CAD, or 150W for $120, that's like $80-90 USD for the 70W at the current rates, and our equipment up here is overpriced. Can you not find something similar down there?


I've never had trouble with refurbished equipment - I buy it all the time.

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Well... just a quick look around and I found a MH ballast/reflector retro kit for $40 and a 10000K lamp for $65, so thats $105 before shipping. I guess that isn't TOO bad...


Styrofoam huh? I guess I could try that... Do you think I would have to worry about heat dissapation?

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I dont' think you'll have to worry about heat dissipation in a submerged pump, the water should take pretty good care of that. The styrofoam should have little/no effect.


It's always worth spending a little bit more on the lighting - for twenty bucks I went from a 70W to 150W. Big difference in light, little difference in cost.

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Mr. Fosi,


Have you checked out any used equipment from the classified forum? Just check the seller's reputation before you send them any money. I've saved a bunch of money buying that way.

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I've popped on it a couple times. If I spend too much time there, I'll end up spending $$ that I can't afford.


For that reason, I don't really want to frequent the classifieds until I have a little more $$ to spend.


When I get a little cash together, I'll check it out more often.


Until then, I'm trying to get a few pointers and do a little research about what would be a good, cheap way to light the display.

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  • 8 months later...

Sorry for diggin' up a dead thread, or maybe not... What ever happened to this tank? I liked the way it started out. Esp. the blue plumbing.

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I still have it, but haven't stocked it. :blush:


My wife wanted me to leave it in Pennsylvania when we moved, but I refused.


It is funny that you dug this thread up at this time because just last week I started thinking seriously about finally stocking it up.


I don't have room at home for another tank (10g FW planted, 5.5g fish/invert, 2.5g softies/invert), so I am thinking about bringing it into my lab at school and running it on my desk. Before I do that, I have to talk to my advisor since it is his lab, but I doubt he'll care.


We have no $$ right now, so I would probably just pick up some LR and let it stabilize for a while.

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Well, I schelpped the tank into school today along with one of my ghetto-rigged 2x15W normal output fluorescent setups.


Right now it is sitting empty on my desk.


I still haven't decided what I am going to put in it, but I think I will bring some sand and some salt to school sometime this week and get it running. Maybe I'll just pick up a couple pieces of LR from an LFS and drop them in there...


It won't look all that great with the "daylight" lamps that are in the fixture, but I don't have the equipment to rig up anything that would include 10000K or actinics right now. This is going to be an interesting tank project... :rolleyes::D

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Hey dude, great looking tank so far. Good luck on your stocking! Great job on the DIY and siliconing of the tank and baffles. I had similar problems with mine tank but luckly the acrylic baffles that I used just bowed but did not come loose like yours. Perhaps the reason it came loose was that the baffles was not snugly fitted into the tank.

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