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Converting Salt to Fresh tank


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Ok I am done with Saltwater, all of the fish have died despite my attempts to keep them.


I have a 33 gallon Saltwater setup with crushed coral and dead coral. I would drain all the water, flush it out, what I want to know is it ok to keep the crushed coral and dead coral as a substrate for the freshwater?




PS. I have a 10 gallon nano that I would transfer my one remainig fish and a few hermits.

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Your whole setup is going to have to change. Your going to need a different light, gravel, rocks everything. To change to freshwater is a lot cheaper then a quarter the cost of salt. The weekly costs and everything are much less. I have a 26 gallon bow front fresh water. All you need is a filter. I have a penguin 170 on it now. its loud but does the trick. The heater should be ok just a good washing would do. Then go to like petco or pet land discounts and buy a hood. It should be like 20 and they come with a light. You can upgrade the lighting if you want, like for plant life and stuff. That’s what I did. Then just replace the carbon cartridge in it every so often.

To change it over it should cost you 70 or even less.

Good luck with the fresh water.

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you can use the crushed coral for an african cichlid tank, dont use it for south americans, like oscars, they live in a softer, more acidic water. you can use all the same equipment with except of a skimmer, if you have one. just make sure you clean the equpiment thoughly and dont use the actinic light either

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