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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Who could have done it???


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I just got home and my largest oscellaris clown is missing almost all of his tail. I mean it is just about all gone and looks to have been bitten in one bite. Who could have done something like this? The damsel in the tank has never shown any aggression like that and I would think if they had gotten into a scuffle both of them would have fin damage. But there is no fin damage, his tail is just gone. The other day I discovered a bristle worm. I dont know that much about them so could he be the culprit? The other things in there that could have done this that I know of is a yellow tang, sand sifting star, hermit crabs, and cleaner shrimps. Nothing else in there that I know about could possibly do this much damage. Will his tail grow back? Its not just a nip of the tip of the tail, there is flesh missing and he is having a little trouble swimming. Thanks for any info.

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The tang is the boss. He got the damsel as soon as I put him in there but that was just a peck. I havent seen any aggression between any of the fishes all day. Im wondering if it happened at night and I missed it in the morning when the lights were off. Im just keeping my eye out.

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quarintine and use mela fix to ward off any secondary infections. Use Water changed tank water in the hospital tank, and keep airation brisk. he should recover. DO NOT RE INTRODUCE THE CLOWN TO THE TANK. trade it once healed. The other plauseable explenation is an unseen crab got ahold of the clown and chowed down on its tail.

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I have another clown in the tank that is much smaller than the one that got his tail bit off. Should I take him out and put him in the recovery tank with the bigger one? They are somewhat of a pair already.


You say trade it in? Like dont get another clown for that tank?

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Or just get rid of the tang and you can still keep all of your clowns, and the problem is solved. You wouldn’t have to worry about the tang getting even more aggressive later on in the future.

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I have been watching the tank ever since I noticed the clowns tail and there has been no sign of aggression from any of the fish. I will continue to watch and go from there.

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