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heads up to instant ocean and reef crystals users


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Originally posted by wannanomore

I have been reading back post and while I viewed some awesome set-ups, and heard lots of great advice I was distracted by how sexist and crude some of the post were. I enjoy humor, I don't enjoy rude. I read that one member devalued his family from 500g to 300g because he had daughters rather than sons. Another member thought it would be cool to take wood screws and use them to attach frags to childrens heads? You boys have your fun. I joined before I read these posts or I wouldn't have joined. I'll go find a site where I can learn about and enjoy the efforts of others without being offended. You all take care.



Pssst, it's all a joke. You really should stay if you want a nano, there is more knowledge here that anywhere else on the net. Plus you could help me keep the boys in line! I see you're a home engineer, I'm a Goddess! :D

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Sorry you feel that way wanna.... maybe it's best you seek out a more politically correct, coddling, "I'm too lazy to work at this, everyone tell me what to do NOW" kinda board.

This site has a literal wealth of information on it, not just pertaining to nano's but reefkeeping in general. True, it gets a little wierd around here sometimes... personally I like that. I wasn't kidding when saying we are passionate about this hobby. Everyone here has a common goal.... to succeed and help others at doing so. If somebody gives you wrong advice you can better bet there will be a post coming along shortly to straighten you and that advice giver out. Perhaps you don't like the way a response was put to you.... I assure you 99.9% of the time no maliciousness was intended.

Hey if you decide to stay, great! If not, what-evvvvv vvver..... I'd definitely bookmark this site though and consult the archives here whenever a question might arise, bet you'll find more info, albeit perhaps not dipped in chocolate, here than just about any other board I can think of.


Haha Liz.... a Goddess? Yes you are! (you don't think that's funny wanna?) Liz?... gooble gobble, gooble gobble, one of us, one of us :P

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I find that the stores that are commerical members of the local reef clubs around here not only do well, but they are forced to be ethical about how and what they sell.


Not to mention they give me a discount for being a member. :) Woot!


It really works out well for all involved. The store makes more money even with the discounts because the people trust them. Because of this, people are also willing to pay a little more than what they would online because it supports the store. Because the people from the club would throw a fit if animals were brought in that shouldn't be, the animals also benefit. Hard to keep wild animals stay in the Ocean where they belong.


Also, because these people are commercial members, they attend the meetings and are kept up to speed on current reefing methods. This also means that the store will be giving out better advice to beginners that come in the store looking for help.


If you have local clubs in your area, look for the stores that are part of these clubs.

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how the hell do you think most local fish stores are there are usually a few that compete and make a good bit of money or the ons that are there for over like 25 years or so how do you think they get that way if you havent noticed by now reefing isnt a cheap hobby so the places that have petsmart and a "family owned pet store" the family owned place prbly makes just as much money as the petsmart or petco because they have saltweater alot of the time and do more stuff for people such as make custom tank or caryy better lighting ect. sp i think your wrong i think the majority of pet store owners ARE millionairs,Chris

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open a brick and mortar store and then you can publish the book yourself. :P



yeah, that's who i was thinking. he changed the name like four times. if he got the whole building then i could definitely see the $1.5M, at that time especially.


re: wannanomore

sheesh, these noobs have thin skin these days. :rolleyes: i better tell my daughter she can't wear those sps antlers anymore. what dissolves fragging glue? ???


btw i think $200G for daughters is a cheap rate. clothes, cars, insurance, college, weddings, divorces, blood pressure medicine, ulcer medicine, and handgun ammo easily top that. heck, i took a Andersen write-off for my daughters too. :P

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