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secret to perfect aquascaping


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I’m looking at my tank. Only fish no corals yet. It looks great for a FOWLR but I cannot picture corals in it. My question is, how do you all make such perfect rock formations? I see in the member’s gallery so many beautiful tanks, with great rock work. What do you do, how do you do it and what are you thinking about while your doing it? Any help would be appreciated.

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A 3D program would be perfect. I am looking at my tank right now am im just thinking how am I going to work corals into it. What I did was kind of line the back of my tank with rock. It goes all around and it’s close to 60% up the back of the tank. So there is like 40% room from the top of the tank to the rock. I think this might be the wrong way of going at it. Any advice on how to work rocks in a 10Gallon. Also is it bad to rearrange a tank. I know it will disturb the sand. Help please, I want to have a nice looking tank.

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Think of it like a puzzel. When I did my 2.5, I actually brought it to a LFS, threw it up next to the LR tank and kept trying different rock in it to see how it would work. About an hour or so later I think I finally had the right 4 pieces and a couple little filler pieces to make it work. Once home, I had no idea how I had them stacked at the store and basically had to figure out how to stack them all over again. I find the rock scaping very fun (except when they fall and I scream obsenities at the top of my lungs). It is a pain, but that is the fun of this, when you are done you can kick back and say "I made that, I knew it would work".

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Originally posted by Caesar

I'm with Lacrosseboss18 I hate aquascaping.  I think someone should make a 3D CAD program for aquariums and aquascaping.


that is soooooo lame.

Its bad enough we are chained to 'puters as it is, but to PLAN a ref based on some cad program? WTF ??? thats just assinine.

If its that hard, hire an expert.... :D


(Im $ 32.50 an hour.. PM me and ill insult yer set up untill its right LOL) :rolleyes:


No piece of rock is the same as the next, so a program will be impossible and will take for ever to do. Think about it.. reefing is a "Traditional" hands on hobby.... you cant simulate it...


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Aquascaping is the bane of my existence. I am forever tinkering, making room for more stuff, knocking things over, losing frags behind the rock etc. I have finally learned to keep my paws out of the tank.


Not sure if my tank qualifies as one of the ones you were referring to as my tank looks like it is almost entirely filled with rock. Two little caves and some space in the rock for fish to swim around in.


Basically, the best way to do it is to pick the rock with the tank in hand so you can see what fits.

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Originally posted by Lacrosseboss18

Thanks dave.  I think all but you picked up on the sarcasm.  But thanks for your imput

Nope, I caught it, I just added to it to make it "REAL" :D

Just to keep the numbnutz wondering.....

Oh and.... BTW....

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You gotta think outside the aquarium box. =)


Actually, I just reworked my aquascape lastnight, and it was very frustrating. Finally in a fit of desperation I turned off the tank lights, cleared my thoughts, and stood above the aquarium putting rocks together like a puzzle. It was very zen-like =). Ultimately, I think it looks much better now, and I'm a bit surprised (and pleased) that it looks okay. =).


Anyway, good luck. I certainly understand how frustrating aquascaping can be (though I'm not sure I would add a computer into the mix. =).

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Don't forget those little nooks and overhangs to create the illusion of depth and of course peaceful little retreats for quiet times away from the hustle and bustle of life on the reef...

Such lovely pastels, be bold, make a statement, of course you can place the pink with the purple, splash of green for tasteful little accents. It doesn't need to be boring, make it your own!


And most of all.............

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The trick to good aquascaping is too keep your head from interferring. Usually i just randomly drop the rock in the tank. Provides mroe natural and interesting layouts.

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As with my prior tank (70 gal) I put to much of the rock to close to the sides and front of the glass. This made it near impossable

to clean the class down low, also in trying to create a wall affect i didnt take into consideration placment of the corals that i was going to purchase and was forever chasing fallen corals.

Try to place the rock as to insure that you leave yourself room to get to the sides and front and also leave lots of little holes and ledges to place your corals when your done.

Hope this helps:)

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This is going to be hard to explain, but give me a chance.


I always like it when the rock is setup, so that if there is a opening, or a space in between 2 rocks...and its filled with some kind of plant life- Caulerpa or something.

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