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The tang police are the same people who are trying to take away your right to hunt, fish and bear arms.




My 12 Gage, 4-10, and 22 Cal Long Rifle, not yours!!!!!!


I like squirl hunting :D They taste realy good in a stew, seariously.

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If they ever take away our guns, and if I am not in prison or on death row for shoting the takers of the guns, I guess I will have to resort to Frog Jiggin' :lol: MMMMMMmmmmMMMMmmm Good ol' frog legs :happy:

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superpuffer: You can download windows media player for os x.


Just type in windows media player for macs into google and windows site should come up. Click on the link and you will find it. You need to have stuffit expander though to open the file.

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Frog giggin LOL. I like them legs, after they quit jumpin around in the skillet. :D


As a reefing community, most of us are aware that what we saw in that clip is unrealistic. However it gives people who are interested some general info and hopefully at the end of the program they gave sources for more info. Publicity if great for our hobby. Get 'em in and educate 'em! If I had not been interested or thought I knew it all, I never would have found NR. Just seeing all those fish probably got some people thinking, hey I would like to try that. Logical next step would be finding out more about it. We all made mistakes when we first started out. Let's not forget that or how little we knew when we first started. Reefers rule!

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Good point. I guess my big annoyance over that video is that there was no mention finding out more info or doing additional research. Yes, most people who are truelly interested would indeed try to seek out more info but there are those people that just want something cheap and easy to please their kids and dont care much if the fish live or die who will just go to petco and buy the equipment that they see on TV because its not a big deal to them.


If they had said, you should at least consult a local fish store with knowledable people (yes, even LFS people at least want their customers to succede for the most part. I find it hard to believe that LFS would want the fish to die. Besides like Petco.) than that would be a different storie.


I also understand that Tetra needs to sell product but IMO that is not a good way to do it. With that show, they are attracting new people who although could really become interested in the hobby, the majority will probebly give it up after their fish die and they are making seasoned hobbiest shy away from them who would potentially buy tetra products for years to come.

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Def unethical marketing on Tetra's part ( I take it they are the minibow parent)


However, when was the last time you believed something you heard on the news?


Funny how news and marketing come toghter in such a way that they are both sucking from a moral talepipe.

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Well whoever is marketing that tank/livesock/filter- shame on you, you know better


Whoever decided that "how to set up the cheapest aquarium to resemble a trendy movie" was news- you suck

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Well, we are all aware that marketing is just that. They make whatever they have to sell look appealing as possible but it is up to the consumer to research and make a decision. I am talking about what is key to all hobbies. You see it, you wish you had it, you buy it. I know my first attempts at fish, marine and otherwise, were not always successful. But, I was truly interested and I researched to find out what I could do to be more successful. I think that is what every interested person would do whatever the hobby was. Lots of people think they like something but when they try it they find it is not so easy but if they are truly interested then they get to work and it becomes their hobby. There will always be marketing but I think all experienced adults know not to believe everything you see or hear. What is enjoyable that doesn't require some work? :happy:

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OK Travis and Clifford, you're too funny! I think I'm starting to hear banjos playing!! :lol:


I think everyone is getting too worked up over this. Yes it's unethical but don't you think that as soon as Joe Blow goes into the LFS to buy all this equipment they'll tell him he can't do that. I mean she didn't even mention fixin' up the salt water! Anytime you see the 5 minute segment explaining how to do anything it's never accurate. It's like watching the guy paint on TV for 30 minutes, you aren't going to be Picasso after watching his show! As soon as you try to find "magic white" you'll realize there's no such thing.

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I think you make some great points, zoogirl.


Its not really a matter of doing something poorly or well, like painting, however. It is about something that shouldnt be done at all. Putting a Hippo Tang in a 5 gal tank.


Not even a suggestion of difficulty like "saltwater fish keeping requires some research" or "as with all hobbies there is a learning curve."


Nope. Its "$50 for a tank and you too can enjoy burning nemo and dory's gills"


It more the crap that gets called news that gets me worked up than a couple of mistrated fish. Although that is also disconcerting.

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Yes you're right Schwazreef it shouldn't be done at all. But I don't think from that misinformation anyone will be able to follow through and get that far. At some point someone will tell the unknowing consumer that it's not OK. I agree that Tetra shouldn't be promoting in a such a way and that The Early Show shouldn't be broadcasting nonsense like this though. Maybe those who are upset can contact Tetra and The Early Show directly and complain. Well, I bet that has happened already! :lol:

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sorry yall, the whole 2 tang in the 55g thing, i was freaking out, because it was a 55g, but he also had some other tangs in there, i justfreaked out, over the fact that they also had marine ich, so yeah.


EDIT - also, i am very protective of tangs, i am not trying to be an oceon nazi, hell-bent on making sure no tang is in a 125g or less, lol, i think it was the first time i went to mote marine, and got to swim with the tangs, and other fish, i dunno, sorry, i apologize for the stupid (not to mention rude) post. btw, any yall have a 44 magnum?

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It was just a marketing ploy. Happens all the time. I remember some commercial with a goldfish in a bowl and it had ich. I thought how unbelievable it was. Doesn't matter what incites interest, fish are gonna die in the hands of most newbies. I don't mean that in a mean way either. It is just inevitable.

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I think all us fishheads are thinking about this wrong. We are focus ing on our passion, fish. It is more damaging to the idea of news and acurate information than the fish.


These are the same people that keep me informed abou the War in Iraq and the Economy How am I supposed to take them at all seriously on an imprtant topic like young men dying in a desert, when I cant even expect them to present me with an introduction to a hobby ethically?

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There you go Schwazreef. That's why I don't put much faith in the news. Just watching the different angles on the same story presented by three different stations should be proof enough. :mellow:

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I watch a lot of "psudo-news", just dont take it seriously.


Its just such a shame. Television has such enormous potetial to inform, enlighten, and educate.


but apperently we'd rather befriend"Will and Grace"

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Yeah, Schwaz. I think the problem is that most people see something like that clip and then want to blame their experience on someone else instead of taking responsibility for not learning about something themselves. We shouldn't be on here whining about a news clip. The real problem is people taking the easy way out and that is what we all need to realize. I hope this doesn't sound too cynical.

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Not too cynical. We all do have something better to do than bitck about TV news.


I guess it just bothers me when I see something like that that I can use as a spring-board to all the gripes I have w/ our culture.

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Sorry to hijack. I think the bottom line is that everyone has to use common sense when purchasing anything and it hold true that if it is too good to be true it probably is. Consumers may never learn this. But for the most part, marketing is a good thing. I see things I want everyday! ;)


The cultural part is instant gratification and expressed views. This is giving me a headache. That clip did not bother me. I don't know what else to say.

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One of my 2 majors was marketing. That doent mean much though. I dont think its good, I dont think its bad. It is what it is. An activity that can be entered in ethically or unethically.


In this case I believe it has been executed unethically. JMO


Apart from the bad ethics, its bad marketing. Allglass or Tetra or whoever should be looking to foster a relationship with their customers. In this industry that would involve assisting customers in making sustainable decisions and educating them as the products are purchesed and used. Not selling them a 5 gal death trap.

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But to foster a relationship they first have to offer something of interest. And a 5g is not a death trap if stocked properly. I don't think they were purposely trying to mislead. They were just using characters from a movie. The tank in finding nemo was seriously overstocked. It is the responibility of the consumer to research before buying. They stand to make more money in the long run if they foster the relationship. :mellow:

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