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tap water chemistry


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For any body that uses tap water for water changes. You can get a break down of what is in your local water supply from your local utility. I brew beer for a living and deal with water chemistry quite a bit. Recently I found out that, by law, every local water and sewage utility has to provide a written profile of what they are sending out to the public. You may be able to call them up and they will send you the break down, but most will require a written request. This won't tell you what is exactly coming out of your faucette but it will give you a clue as to what you are dealing with.

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Good point. The problem lies in what happens to the water after it leaves the reservoir. Old pipes, a cracked or rotting water main and even stuff just in your faucet itself can drastically change the contents of the water.


Advice: use RO/DI

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I agree. Even the water I use in the brewery that goes through a water softner, sediment and carbon filter and then passes a uv light still has amounts of copper, iron and other metals in it, according to a to an independant lab that I sent samples to.

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That's interesting about the copper. When I lived in NY, the local water department said they have 0 levels of copper in outgoing water (I feel it was minut amounts). But remember, all it takes it 1 copper pipe between the supply and your faucet to get copper in the water.



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