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NaughtyCashew's Money Pit


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Thanks to all the info I've learned trolling this board and reef central, I finally took the plunge and started my own reef tank. I've been running a 12G FOWLR tank for a couple of years as well as two freshwater tanks.


I made a deal w/ my wife that if I got ONE big tank, then I would get rid of all the other little ones....Little did she know that the ONE big tank would be a REEF :D


So here's the progress so far:



Day One (about 4 weeks ago)

Bought a 40G r for 60 bucks & an unfinished pine stand




Cycling live rock in my old 20G - the tank will later be my sump.




Finished staining the stand (will never do that again!). 4 Bulb Tek-Light fixture standing on top of my tank.




Later I put all my live rock in my 12G Eclipse system. When I took my office tank apart I took home a 96W CoraLife fixture. Made the move because I was afraid I would lose some of the life in the live rock & wanted some light over it.


Not sure it was the best idea, as the water doesn't flow too well with 45 lbs of rock in 12 gallons




Yesterday I drilled the tank :scarry:

Drilling wasn't anywhere near as bad as I thought it would be. Had a few little chips on the inside, but no fractures. I think I am good to go!




Tank as it is today waiting for sump installation & plumbing. I gave it several coats of Krylon Fusion, and it looks awesome!


I like this shot the best as you can see a ton of light peeking through my freshly drilled holes! B)




Thats it for now! Hopefully I can get some water in it before the end of the week!

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Great start, it's looking good! smile.gif


Is that a toilet wax ring in the drill shot?




Yeah, that is a toilet ring. I worked pretty well as a water dam for only $.99.


The wax is pretty nasty stuff though and tends to get all your hands and tank. I ended up making some "gloves" out of the home depot baggy, and scraping the tank stuff off with a razor..


Looks great. What is your stocking plan for this tank?




Right now I am thinking:


Clownfish Pair

Purple Firefish

Six Line Wrasse

Shrimp-Gobe Combo ( Hi-Fin Red Banded Gobe & Pistol Shrimp)


I am also considering a blenny of some kind - maybe a lawnmower, but am worried abouthe firefish/gobe being aggressive. I think 40 gallons should be enough for all of them to get along...


and Tons of Clean Up Crew!


Nass, Cerith, Trochus, Conch snails

& a few scarlet hermits just for fun.

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I was really hoping to post completed pics of my tank today, but this project seems to be far from over.


I did manage to complete my sump:






Its the classic Skimmer --> Return <-- Refugium setup


I also decided to get more live rock, bringing the total up to 70lbs in the 40gallon tank. Here is the rest of it cooking in a big rubbermaid tub:




I'm thinking about coming home from work at lunch just to get some of the work done. I really want to get all the silicone stuff done on my overflow box as that takes 48 hrs + to cure.

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Awesome dude...Your tank is coming together a lot faster than you had planned...Let me know if you need anything, Also let me know when you want to try some corals and Ill hook you up...

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Finally got finished with the plumbing this weekend!




I ended up painting the visible pipes w/ Krylon Fusion

Here is a shot of the whole back:




I also finished putting together the overflow box. I tried to make one w/ rounded corners, but that didnt work out too well - lesson learned: making acrylic bends with a propane torch isnt very precise.


I ended up constructing a new one and siliconed it to a glass box frame (just like the ones I see in the store).






Hopefully in the next week I can start the next phase of this never ending project: Adding Water!

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Thanks for all the compliments guys. So I finally had some time this holiday season and added water.


I also put my rocks in. The landscape below isn't quite final, but it might be.


Looking back I might have gone overboard on the live rock, but for now its kind of nice as the whole structure is pretty solid. I might have to rename my post "NaughtyCashew's Rock Formation"




I didn't waste too much time adding my clown and my shrimp-gobie combo. My 12 gallon tank was getting really ugly, so I figured that it was better to move them sooner than later. I think "brownie" the clown was a little confused by the whole ordeal (you can see her in the bottom left)


Anyways, here is a pic:




I will post more tomorrow! I was kind of an idiot and had the lights off-center for the pic, so it came out much bluer than it really is.

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Ok, some more pics of the tank!






As an added bonus, pics of "Brownie" the Clown - so named because she started turning brown recently...






Here's one with my Hi Finned Red Banded Goby




During the move he was seperated from my pistol shrimp - they both established themselves on opposite ends of the tank. Hopefully they will find each other...

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I got the acrylic from frigodesign on eBay


eBay Search


I used a rotary tool with a fiberglass reinforced cutting bit to cut it. One word of advice, get more than you think you will need! I went through several pieces before I got the technique down.


You can bend it professionaly with a heat strip or use a heat gun. Being fundamentally cheap, I used a cheap propane torch. You can buy a cheap setup for around 15 bucks (they sell kits at HD). I had a few small propane tanks from my outdoor bbq, so I bought the tips for 8 bucks and started bending away.


With a torch, your bends wont come out very nicely (unless you have amazing torch skills), so I used it to bend acrylic that wasnt viewable in the display tank.

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I ended up re-doing the rockwork like you suggested and ended up puttin 20lbs in the sump. Here are some pics:






It doesn't look that much different than the last pics, but I freed up quite a bit of sand area in the front.


My next step is working on the flow. I have a mag 9.5 that is putting out about 550 gph after headloss. I am thinking of ordering a mag 18.


Anyone think that is overkill? According to ReefCentral this should bump me up to about 800gph.

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Mag 18 ordered! It might be overkill, but I can reduce the flow through several other outlets.


I ended up getting some new inverts today. The best new addition being a Porcelain Crab (no name yet):





I also took some new pics of my fish:


"Brownie" the clown



Brownie might get her named changed to "Piggy" for stuffing her face whenever food is present.


"Lucille 2" the Goby - her pistol shrimp buddy is named "Buster" because he is missing a claw



"Babar" the Queen Conch - My wife named him because he/she has an elephant like trunk


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I got some new inverts today:


1x Skunk Cleaner Shrimp

2x Scarlet Hermits

8x Dwarf Zebra Hermits (Left Handed)

2x Cerith

4x Trochus


By the time i got out my camera to take pics the skunk cleaner shrimp hid himself behind the rockwork. :angry:


Oh well, so the outgoing invert likes to hide and my porcelain crab likes to stay out in the open...


I am starting to wonder if I should have went for the Blood Red Fire Shrimp instead (I like the colors better).


I took some pics anyways, mostly of Buster who decided he was ready to be photographed:




And a better picture of Babar (the Queen Conch)


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Be careful with those zebra hermits....They are super aggressive and will kill your other hermits with their big claw...


My skunk cleaner shrimp has been hiding lately also :( He used to be out all the time

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