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Baby fish first pics


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Thought I would share my baby killies first pics. After about one month they finally have some color.


This lil' guy is just under and inch long and faster than a bullet. It took me about 2 hours to get this photo, as he kept swimming too fast for me.


I used my 20d with the Speedlight 580EX


The first photo is a large female. For the longest time I thought that she was going to be a he because of the size, but now that the colors are coming in I can tell that she is going to be a beautiful lil' girl fish.




The second photo is a big male fry. He is absolutely gorgeous, but this was the best photo I could get of him. He stays in the back a lot right behind the heater and sponge filter. He's shy.



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Awesome! I'd love a nice pair ok Killies!


Their personality and antics are the best. The largest ones come and look right out of the tank at me when I sit and watch them. They might not know who or what I am, but they know that I have eyes and therefore require a good watching.


They don't associate me with food yet, but when I begin weaning them they will. In the evening they like to dance. It is the most bizarre fish behavior I have ever seen. At first I thought that it might be an expression of a breeding behavior, but the dance looks nothing like the courtship behavior of the adults. They pair off and slither beside each other. I think it is a pecking order thing.

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