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Coral Vue Hydros

Comprehensive National LFS guide Idea


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Ok guys...I wouldnt be quick to dismiss steelhealrs suggestions. It is true what was said about the lawsuits. Basically, several people went on an aquatics forum website to complain about the crappy service they received from petswarehouse.com. THe online company had been having some business problems and filed several lawsuits against the posters on the forums as well as other businesses claiming that these charges were slanderous and were the reasons for their problems. Here is the website:



It appears to be an on-going lawsuit and many of the tankowners that had posted onthe site have already settled with Novak (owner of petswarehouse). So despite what the outcomes of this case may be, it appears that the cost to the poor tankowners has been excessive in terms of fees for legal counsel and settlements.


I fully support your ideas and your efforts to review all of the local sites. I would however place a disclaimer on your site however that people that post do it at their own risk to protect yourself and your legal assets and to warn them they they could be held legally responsible for what they post. Good luck!

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Please don't take my comments as shrugging of SH's suggestions. It would be awful to do this as a service to the community and then become legally liable for it.. :clown:


I have added a note in red to the screen prior to posting a review, you can see it here

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Hey rjg, thanks for adding Canada - either your Geography knowledge or google skills are pretty good. I dont' think it matters, as there is very little up there but snow, ice, and ptarmigans, but the territories aren't there.


Yukon (YT) and Northwest Territories (NWT) in western Canada, Iqualuit (A new one, uh.....IQ?) in the east. I don't think there are any marine stores up there, but I could be wrong. Might not be a bad idea to add them in, just in case.


I'm going to post a link to the site over on aquariumpros.ca and aquariacanada.com to try to get more Canadian stores listed.

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Just had another thought regarding the site. JHipken mentioned that geography isn't an issue for online retailers, but I disagree. Not very many of the American online retailers will ship to Canada. Would it be possible to have a listing for online retailers that ship to Canada? It's been really hard finding good stores, equipment, and livestock up here.

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Just had another thought regarding the site. JHipken mentioned that geography isn't an issue for online retailers, but I disagree. Not very many of the American online retailers will ship to Canada. Would it be possible to have a listing for online retailers that ship to Canada? It's been really hard finding good stores, equipment, and livestock up here.


Great idea! You maybe should also ask posters to indicate if they ship internationally or not as well. This would be a big help for the international people...


Good move on the disclaimer. Fact is unless you moderate religiously, someone is bound to post some very negative stuff. I would hate something bad to come out of something good that you are trying to do.


I wonder what if any disclaimers this site has regarding the posts. I think I might just have to check that out...


Good luck to you. I think Ill try to post some of the stores in the MD, DC, VA area.

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Uhh, lets just say my Google ability is pretty good :D I have added the territories that you mentioned in the proper areas.


In addition, I have added 2 subcategories for the Internet listing. One for those who ship to the US and another for those who ship to Canada. If they ship to both, you can mark them both!




I will work on the International shipping thing, it would be easiest to place that in the description area until I can find another way.


The disclaimer is important and I appreciate the feedback..



Thanks for posting your local stores everyone!

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