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WTT Blasto Wellsi for Blue or nice colored zoa's or Nice SPS


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woah now, not to bump an old topic, but Reefin, and Snoop, you guys are Bass Ackwards!.

you guys tell me where you CANNOT find rics, and where you CAN find NG Clove's, if there is somewhere that carries a colony, they are usually $75-$99, you could buy a rock of 20 ric's for that? SCHTOOPS!

and, can someone explain the other, "O" in Zo, to me as well?


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woah now, not to bump an old topic, but Reefin, and Snoop, you guys are Bass Ackwards!.

you guys tell me where you CANNOT find rics, and where you CAN find NG Clove's, if there is somewhere that carries a colony, they are usually $75-$99, you could buy a rock of 20 ric's for that? SCHTOOPS!

and, can someone explain the other, "O" in Zo, to me as well?



Where I live green cloves arent to much but rics are 15 a polyp!+

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I was just wondering what, "illegally harvested" meant?


BTW--> that link is the stupidest thing I have ever seen! no offense, tho. What is it supposed to be?

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For More Information you can go to the NOAA website and contact one of the investigators who can explain it to you... Make sure to tell them the LFS you are purchasing them from :P


Mine are first generation - you should try propping them some time a noob could do it.

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What the hell is your problem reefin300? I bought the blasto...Picked it up tonight from Nate and you are still running your mouth about useless junk no one wants to hear

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Pro maybe you didn't see floorlords question. Try going through that back one more time before posting such nonsense.


I really don't have a problem but you seem to be on every post I make talking down to some effect last time I checked. I don’t mind it actually its rather admirable of you. But coming from the standpoint of a corporate body you should really learn the likeliness of being a team player, I come to this forum hoping that we can act well-mannered and in a professional manner without the childish remarks to help each other out. For a person who works in a corporation you really should learn some moral principles – you’re not dealing with a child here.


Anyhow I’m glad you picked up the blasto good for you! I'm done here had my rant for the day. Don't take it personal but the way you are coming off in your messages denote unpleasant dialogue.

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Working in a corporation and telling you to shut up have nothing to do with one another. Ive tried to diffuse the situation in this thread but you keep opening your mouth when you should shut it.


By the Way I bought the blasto just so he didnt trade you

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Working in a corporation and telling you to shut up have nothing to do with one another. Ive tried to diffuse the situation in this thread but you keep opening your mouth when you should shut it.


By the Way I bought the blasto just so he didnt trade you


Whoa. What's really going on here? :haha: Illegal, what? I want to know the deal dudes?


By the way, nice pick up Proraptor.


By the Way I bought the blasto just so he didnt trade you


:scarry: OUCH!

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Reefin thinks we buy our corals from illegal fishstores or something....What he doesnt realize is all coral once came from the ocean propagated or not...

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