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Pics from my New D50 and a Novic Pic taker


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Here are some pics from my new Nikon D50 with the stock lens...i am not good at taking pic's....be HONEST on what you think....and tell me what is wrong with them or if you do/dont like them...please dont lie and say they are good b.c. you want to be nice..if they suck...just tell me they do..i wont get afended...i took these pics around my house.....











tell me what you think of them....sorry if they come out big...ill work on figuring out resizing them.....anyway more to come

















Im really sorry for the big pictures

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r u serious???? WHY??? i posted them on Tinypic.com and copy and pasted the IMG code thingy...i see them..maybe ur computer didnt load them b.c. they are really Big

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in all honesty you need to work on focusing. At least from what it looks like. but nice subject nonetheless. Keep at it. you can visit aquatic-photography.com to hear opinions from professionals and I am by far no where near one...


Anyhow what part of FL do you live in? Looks like Bellalago but I don't think it is.

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My house and friend Skateboarding:


Your house can skateboard? :P

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^^^^^lololololollol :lol::D^^^^ anyway yeah i do need to work on focusing.....some of the pics looked good on the camera;s screen but when i put them on here and thye were huge they looked bad....anyway.,....ill post more soon


ohh and i live in Wellington Florida....Bellagio sounds familiar...is it a comunity??? or is it a city??? there is a hotel in vega called Bellagio right???? ill asked my dad...which is why have such a big house b.c. my dad works in a house building company....and he is the presidet thingy magij of the SouthEast devision of te company.....ohhand speaking of Bellagio and Las Vegas.....his company is building a hotel on the end of the Strip...

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yeah bellalago is in central florida it's a community. Haven't been to your part of town though - but it looks nice!


Just keep at it with the pictures, looks like you got the concept down though.


I'm still waiting for my cam - sucks to be waiting :(

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Reefin, totally wait for the D200!! That thing looks absolutly sick!!!!


Edit: Fishfreak, i'm moving down to the Boca area in June. I cant wait to get out of the cold :P

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haha yeah I think I'm going to wait for it. Although I've been debating whether or not I should buy it since canon has triple rebates right now. too many damn options! LOL

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Hey Reefin300, i clicked on your sig. and it took me to your tanks thread....is that the 30g. Oceanic Cube???? and also that last FTS...where its really crowded (i think on page 5..maybe 6) what light do you have on it?? is that a corcea clam??? thanks in advance


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Hey Josh, that's actually a 37gal via aqua tank and yes my friend is it absolutely filled to the rim right now. I'm plumbing a refugium on it over the long weekend so I can move out the chaeto and what not but I have these baby shrimp floating around in the ball like crazy, don't know if I should leave it in for a while as it provides refuge from predators. I think my peppermint shrimp let out some live ones. :D


250w Aqua Medic 14k lighting over that bad boy with a 4" crocea clam. It's a beauty but I have a crappy cam

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Here are some more pics

I think this was either taken Last Night or This Morning...from my Bedroom Window...i think one of my better shots:



and this one is of my Clownfish..guess what his name is??? Of Course its Nemo (my friend Tanya named him):



and another one of my 2.5g Pico Reef:


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I just used an editing program thingy majig and it didnt look as good in black and white then it did in color....and i tried it in Sepia....just didnt look so great.....

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