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Cultivated Reef

Uncontrollable red algae prob? SOS


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Ok I just moved my 72g into my new apartment. I took the LR and put them in buckets with tank water. The same with the sand. 2 weeks before I moved I cleaned out my canister filter. Now 2 weeks in my new apt. Dark red algae growing all over the place, on all the LR, on tank walls the most, on all my filters, skimmer and pumps. I spent 2 hour cleaning my tank and it is back in 1 day. I have heard canister filters can do this, or maybe there is waste from the filter that the algae is blooming on. Could it be my refugium? It is loaded with racemosa. It is starting to grow really thick on the gravel now. It has grown so this on some decor that it looks like it has hair now. What kind of algae is this and how do I get control of it. I do 10% weekly of distilled water. When I moved I saved 60% of the water and bought distilled for the remaining 40%. I never use tap. My tank has ran fine for 8 months, now this. I also bought a power compact JBJ 240w. Using actinics and 10k bulbs. I know it is more lighting in the tank and could be the culprit but it is way out of control and never algae take this badly. My friend has MH's and he does not even get close to the algae I get so I don't think it is the lighting.

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First off, it is not algae, it is cyano, and a bacteria/algae morph (bacteria that likes light). There can be many reasons for the bacteria to have bloomed and believe me, it is very hard for it to clear up on it's own. Phosphate sponges, poly filters, long periods of no light etc., have been used to fight it off by some. You can do a search here and elsewhere and find what others have done. I, personally, prefer this stuff called Boyd's Chemi-Clean. I am not one to go out and use chemicals to fix problems, but this stuff is a major pain in the ass, I know (the cyano that is). Be carefull with it and use an air stone while dosing, as well as make sure to siphon it all out (cyano) before you dose with it (chemi-clean) so as the dead decompossing stuff does not foul up your water (clean, then dose just before you shut the lights off on the tank for the night). It has worked wonders for me with no fatalities. Good luck with the magic red carpet. Oh yea, there is some other stuff called simply "red slime remover" that has been around for a while but I have had no personal use with it.

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Thanks for the advice. I am doing another water change...again tonight. I hope this stuff at least dies down. I am just curious about what has caused it. I don't know if it feeds on waste but after cleaning that canister + moving, i think that caused a lot of dead waste that it could feed on. Thanks for the help.

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