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Aquarium of the Pacific


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Nice rbaby... I love the reef ones.


My wife and I are planning on going to The Georgia Aquarium this Christmas break when we visit her family in "Hot"lanta. They brag it being the largest aquarium in the world... when open (sometime at the end of November)... I'll have to take pics, as you have. However, they won't be as beautiful as your camera's, seeing as I have a camera that was bought at a fraction of your camera's cost.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is such a great aquarium, the only problem is all the people. It is sooooooo crowded. I usually like kids, but when there are 3,985,000 of them yelling "nemo" and pounding on the glass, I sometime consider vasectomy.

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  • 3 weeks later...
This is such a great aquarium, the only problem is all the people. It is sooooooo crowded. I usually like kids, but when there are 3,985,000 of them yelling "nemo" and pounding on the glass, I sometime consider circumcision.


Hahah getting circumcised is just taking off skin, it wont make you infertile :P


Back on topic... lol. Great shots, I'm jealous

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Ooops, I knew that. Boy do I feel like a whale's excrement hole. I corrected the post.


It really is a nice aquarium overall.



Hahah getting circumcised is just taking off skin, it wont make you infertile :P


Back on topic... lol. Great shots, I'm jealous

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  • 3 weeks later...

From what I remember, the Birch aquarium was pretty cool. I went there a LONG time ago. It's a great location, right on the beach. Very nice. It's worth a go, what would you have to lose? I can't really remember what they had there, I went before I really got serious about this reef stuff. Great pictures by the way! It makes me miss the ocean :)


PS: It's not just kids who tap on the glass. I know full grown men who come over and tap on my FW tank expecting the fish to smile and dance a jingle for them. HUGE pet peeve of mine.

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