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Innovative Marine Aquariums

[CUSTOM] jmorris


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OK, so I ordered the custom 2.5 gallon tank and 2.5 gallon refugium from Paul at First Class Aquatics last week (he is really a great guy buy the way!)... so I'm cutting it close on the entrance time limit, but he said he'll have it to me on time... YAY! While I wait for it, I am preparing everything else:


Got the Hofer Gurgle Buster overflow standpipe put together and ready to put in.


Got the Reef Crystals to mix into DI/RO water (got that too).


Got my 2.5 gallon minibow sump... was gonna use it as the display, but I then realized it is made of very poor quality/scratchable plastic, and so it has been religated to the dark depths of the stand.


Got my Wetworx in-sump nano-skimmer built and running in a bucket with water change water from the bucket of uncured LR I got cooking (got to get it over that new-acrylic-skimmer phase, ya know).


Got some beautiful Indionesian LR cooking.


Got my CLS with SCWD built up (yeah, I know OMsquirts are better, but I had this around).


Got my plumbing figured out, and all the pieces and fittings ready to go. Not going to give away these secrets until I post the money shot.


Got the Iceprobe with controller... not planing on using a heater since there will be so much heat generated by pumps (Mag 2, MJ1200, and MJ400)


Got the 70w 14K MH regent setup forthe diplay, and the 27w CF 6500K setup for the refugium, and I've got a fan to cool the canopy.


Got my Nimble Nano magnet cleaner.


Got some cabinits from HD for stand and canopy... you'll see what I mean.


Got my little baby boy, just born on Sunday night, to bond with while I put it together.


Got the whole world in my hand. B)




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I got jelous of everyone else posting startup photos, so here are some pics of the stuff I have so far...


the LR



the Wetworx (UnderTheRadar) skimmer



The 27w retrofit I made out of a 28/32w Hamilton retro. Just had to shave off some of the bulb receptical so it would fit in, and cut the reflector down to size. pictured with it is a 28w bulb for lenth comparison.



This is the Lights Of America bulb I found at HD for it... 6500 K, and bright as he11!!



Can you tell what these parts might make?



The CLS with SCWD, the intake will have different plumbing.



Claifornia reef float switch with AquaLifter pump for ATO system.



Coolworks IceProbe... got the controler too, but I didn't have it on hand for the pic.



And some Krylon Fusion to paint any visible PVC... (this is a hint to the question in the 5th pic)



Oh, and like I said, I've got a little helper now... or at least a vocal observer.



Thanks for looking,


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And the prize goes to... the Tigah!


lol... did you remember from our chat, or did you really just look at them and say, "yep, that's a manifold right there!"?

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And the prize goes to... the Tigah!


lol... did you remember from our chat, or did you really just look at them and say, "yep, that's a manifold right there!"?

The latter. I don't recall you mentioning it in the chat.

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I still don't have the tank (it is being made by Fade2black, aka: Paul, at First Class Aquatics), thus, I still don't have an entry pic.


I will be cutting it close, but I should have the entry pic up and the tank started by the 5th (the last day to enter).




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Trust me, he's getting it to me pretty fast... I mean, hell, I did just order it on the 12th, and he is almost finished with it. Just waiting on some special matterial I wanted that he didn't have in stock. ;)

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Nice Jared!


I cant wait to see the tank up and running! Congrats on the new baby...I will have to remember to bring you a celebratory bottle of wine :)

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thanks man... :blush:!


I saw you half filled your tank... you got the rest of your ro/di made yet? :lol:



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I was gonna go with 1/2 CPVC manifold too, but decided it was slightly too bulky for a 2.5g, which is why I went with the 1/4" circle flow loc-line kit on mine. Would be nice to see how yours turns out though, as I didn't even bother to mock one up.

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I mocked one up and ran it at 2' of head off a MJ1200, and it should make a TON of flow with great distribution... and since I decided to go with a canopy instead of a pendant, the manifold won't be seen much anyway.


I thought about the 1/4" loc-line myself, but the outlets make too sharp of a stream IMO. I noticed you plan on trying to drill them out some more... good luck with that! fingerscrossed



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yeah it is up and running...I havent mixed in any salt, Ive just been experimenting with temp via fans and a ranko controller..


I've got the tank running at a consistent 78 degrees with about +- .5 degrees fluctuations.


Once the rock re-cycles (I baked it in the sun for the last 3 weeks) and I put it in the tank you will have to come by and check it out!


When is the custom 2.5 coming in? Sounds like Dennis might get a run for his money...LOL

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OK, updates:


still waiting on the tank


buying some more plumbing/cabinetry stuff this weekend


got a free Cali blue tort. frag from Aaron (the manager of the LFS I work at).


trying to keep up with being a dad, student, and reefer.

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WOOO HOOO! Paul is sending out my tanks on monday! (yes I said tanks: main display, and display refugium.... ooohhhhh, ahhhhhh!)


entry pic wednesday next week.


alos started pre-assembling some of the plumbing and paiting it blrack with the Krylon Fusion... wow, that's some nice spray paint! I mean, I suck at spray painting, and I still managed to paint everything so far with no drips, overspray, or screwups.



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Congrats on your new baby, I hope that he's not being too hard on you at night.


You have quite an impressive list of kit to fit on to your pico, I'm green with envy. Can't wait to see it all set up. B)


Best regards



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Congrats on your new baby, I hope that he's not being too hard on you at night.


Naw... I get plenty of sleep, it's my wife who's staying up constantly to feed him. I mean, I get up the 2-4 times a night he feeds, but I just burp him and change him, and I go back to bed... I'm really not a bad husband, I just don't have the right equipment to feed him, and I just cant seem to lul him to sleep the way Anna can.


You have quite an impressive list of kit to fit on to your pico, I'm green with envy. Can't wait to see it all set up. B)


Yeah, I cant wait to see it up either! :lol:


Thanks for looking,


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