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What kind of algae is this?


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I have a huge growth of this macro algae in the front of my tank. It has clung to a piece of LR rubble that is laying in the substrate. I searched but could not find a picture here that looked like it.


Is it a good de-nitrifier? I am setting up a fuge in the middle chamber of my NC and wanted to put it back there instead ofbuying some cheato.



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Ok. Will pull it out. Maybe I can get my LFS to order me some macro for my fuge. I am doing Bobalouy's Fuge mod. What, in your opinion, is the best macro for a fuge?

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Chaetomorpha is best for a fuge.


That stuff looks like Derbesia (hair algae) or Bryopsis. Pluck it out by hand, and keep a siphon near to get all the bits. It'll spread like wildfire, and few animals will eat it (and they only eat it if it's short).

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NOTHING eats bryopsis, and very little will eat hair algae, and only if it's short. Gotta pull it out by hand, and reduce nutrient overload--cut down feeding, photoperiod, etc., and do more water changes.

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