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Good or bad? I have him isolated one side of my tank for the moment.


Know what it is?




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Hard to tell from the photo, but it looks like a crab. Everyone already knows how I feel about crabs (hate 'em, take it out...Will only cause trouble.) ....Wouldn't say it's unfounded. Oh well. Learn for yourself.

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It is hard to tell from the picture, but I think it looks like a regular ol' blue crab (delicious with Old Bay and butter). If it is, get rid of it IMMEDIATELY. They are quick, agile, and able to swim as well as many fish, which they will catch and eat as soon as they are big enough. Does it look anything like the crab in this link?



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actually its NOT a blue crab. This little guy is months old and hasn't grown at all for some reason and also he is grey and white with black spots as you can see in the picture. Anyone know what kind of crab it is?



-I have him enclosed in a section of my tank where its seperate from my fish and coral.



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