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gas bubbles


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I've been getting bubbles building up in my 12 DX during the day. They appear to be more like 1/16 - 1/8" gas bubbles, not really micro bubbles. They even stick to the sand at times. I've been having a slight brown/red aglae breakout lately. Could they be a byproduct of this? Any other possible causes?

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I've seen the same things lately. I've been a little sloppy about feeding - using more flake than frozen due to time constraints. Watch how much you feed - don't put too much in at one time. Also follow up with some weekly water changes - about 20% changes. What you're seeing is gas bubbles created by one of the brown/red algaes. You should see it start to recede, but it will take some time. It's not going to clear up over night.

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I'm having the same problem, accompained with cyanobacteria and hair algae...


Gggrrr, so frusturating! Phosphates were detectable but not "high"...high enough to cause these outbreaks. I recently moved and changed water sources. I think this new water is lower quailty, so I bought water from a different store (definitely RO/DI) yesterday. I do 20% water changes weekly and I manually remove the hair algae and stir up the cyano daily...


Not sure what else to do. Let me know if you find a solution, either by pm or this post :):) Thanks!

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My tank was born the 1st of May, so it is over 5 months old...like I said, it was moved about 1 1/2 months ago, so I'm thinking it's either from disrupting the system or the new water.

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i had cyano all summer while my tank was about a constant 85 degrees. i blew it off the corals daily and did 20% WCs weekly. i figured that someting had died and when it had used up all the nutrients it would go away. 3 months later, it has gone. i lost a few parts of corals, but it pretty much cleared up itself.


maybe run some carbon of chemi-pure or a product like that.

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I ran reef carbon last week and the bubbles were significantly reduced...Hmmm...I'd like to figure out the source of the problem rather than cover it, but is it a good idea to run carbon while I'm figuring it out?

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Friends of mine were over last weekend and thought the algae on the sand "looked cool". It drives me nuts fighting it, then my friends make a comment like that. Makes me wonder if I'm fighting it for no reason at all. It's not taking over the tank, and is providing some more color. Maybe a little in the tank isn't such a bad thing.

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