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Cultivated Reef

Algone? Does it really work?


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Has anyone here ever tried algone? Does it work against hair algae or only against water colored tanks? I mean, does it actually work to kill of hair algae so that it can be brushed off and wont grow back? Any comments would be helpful..

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Try it and find out.


I ave had moderate sucess with it in certain tanks and others it did nothing noticeable. Be sure to OVER order and err on the side of needing a few more packets than 2 or 4. HTH

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I have been using it now in both a 20 and a 10 gallon reef for about a year in total. I think it has helped, both my tanks sit in the sun all day and I have not had any significant outbreaks of algae in any form. Definitely give it a shot, it won't hurt anything.

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it helped when I had my afro hair algae issues but, since the tank was moved, I have noticed that the hair is slowly coming back, as has the cyano and the glass gets the green dust every day. I am barely feeding the tank (forgot all about feeding it when the wife went into labor), the tank is no longer in direct sunlight and I replaced the algone packet with a fresh one a week or so ago. I just reduced the halide on time by 3 hours but no visible results as of yet.


I did the buy two get the third box free so I am covered with algone for a long time. I can sell you a pack of three (I think that is how they are boxed) for cost and shipping and, if you like the results, you can order a full box from them.


Let me know.

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I put a Poly Filter in my fuge the on Christmas Eve, and I can say that the hair seems to have stopped growing. Not dieing, though. I'm gonna keep going that route for about a month or so.


Problem with Poly Filter - the crap is expensive.

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Thanks for all the input everyone. And also, what is a poly filter? Also, i'll think about taking you up on that offer crakeur. I mean, I was reading the reviews, and most of them just seem kinda fake, thats why I wanted to see what the success of this product has been on this website.

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Poly Filter


It's a plastic thick-meshed pad that removes ammonia, phosphates, and some metals. You can use it in a power filter, canister filter, or refugium. Can also be used to remove parasite and antibiotic treatments from your water.


I'm using it strictly for phosphate removal and my tank-o-algae.

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Christopher Marks

I've been thinking about using this on my 90 gallon tank to see how it works on the remaining hair algae. I guess if no one has seen any ill effects, then I might as well give it a try.

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I use Algone in my freshwater tank and it makes a little difference, But i mostly depend on water changes to keep trates low but in fresh water it is not critcal. Now my reef tank i use this porduct called AZNO3. THe stuff aint cheap but this is not a cheap hobby. BUT it DOES work! no advertising bull. the site makes interesting reading. It took my trates down from 15ppm to 0.0 in 6 days. Sad to say i got a huge bottle and never use the stuff now. just once a month for maintenance. My trates are 0, expcect for about two days they went up to 5ppm i neglected a water change & i got board and over fed the tank. A small water change and a day later and the trates are back to zero. Check the site out, Makes great reading even if you do not buy the stuff they also have a product that drops PO$ like a hot potato I got both and they both work better than those "phosphate sponges by Kent and seachem. trust me i know. have tried them all.


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hmmmm....what to choose...


Poly Filter is a definite and that will be something im going to pick up from my LFS in a few days. (if they carry them??)


But the decision is between the Algone and the AZNO3. I dont wanna buy both because for, :1: I dont feel like spending that money... and :2: If my algae problem is solved, I wont know which product solved it...hmmmm


Also, apophis924, I know the AZN03 product brought your nitrates down but did this totally solve your algae problem? I know that high nitrates are the main cause of algae outbreaks but there are also many other products out there made to reduce nitrates. I want a product that will atleast somewhat guarentee a fix in the algae outburst...

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Don't buy the Poly Filter at your LFS....if they have it, it'll be expensive. I paid around $17 for a 4x8 pad (in inches). You can get the same size pad for $5 at:




You can cut the pad up in two or three pieces to get several uses out of it. I'm about to order a boatload of the stuff myself, as it's pulling alotta crap out of my water.


Also, I'd argue that phosphates contribute to algae as much [or more] than nitrates.

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Christopher Marks

I've used a poly filter on my tanks before. They clearly stopped algea growth entirely, though the existing seemed to stay. Once it was saturated though algea growth returned. I suppose if you changed it regularly it could make a difference.

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Hi Ross,

I had no ill effects on my corals. My toad stool closed up for a bit and developed a good slim coat that it shed every day for a while, But besides that all was good. I have a flame scallop which is very sensitive to water quality changes and he/she showed no ill effects. I have a 20 gal tank and i used much less than the suggested dose. As with small tanks water problems can happen very quickly but the advantage with a small tank You can do a massive water change in an emergency very quickly. I had 10 gallons of seawater on "stand-by" in case the tank went south. Knock on wood everything worked out fine. HTH

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alright well tanks for the input everyone. I'll probably go with a poly-filter and see how it works first. Then maybe go with the AZNO3 stuff.

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This is what bums me out about the AZNO3 product (excerpt taken from their web site):


"It is recommended to remove frogspawn & leather corals to a different aquarium during the AZ-NO3 treatment and keep them out for at least 2 - 4 weeks after the final dose of AZ-NO3. About 50% of customers with frogspawn and leather corals experienced adverse effects while the other 50% swore that these same species survived the treatment beautifully."


....which would be fine if I had another tank to put 'em in.


Hmmm.....another tank.......

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