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Pendant Cube Project


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There is nothing worse than having an old tank lying around taking up space in the storage shed, so I’ve started working on my next project; Alife 7 cube with pendant fixture. I removed the top trim and cleaned off the excess black silicon. The top edge of the glass was polished the with #2000 sand paper to make it nice & smooth. The back chamber area still needs some work though. I have it filled with water just to test for leaks (or explosions). I would imagine you could do the same with a Nano Cube tank

I don’t know yet whether the tank will be nano-reef or nano-F/W planted yet, but I’m kind of leaning toward the F/W planted. F/W planted tanks look sweet with the driftwood emerging from the water surface and an emergent plant or two growing out of the water.







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I'm having trouble with very very very thin residue on the top of the my glass... how'd you deal with that?


I tried scraping it with a blade, but it seems to be even to thing for that anymore...

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Originally posted by Maeda

I'm having trouble with very very very thin residue on the top of the my glass... how'd you deal with that?


I tried scraping it with a blade, but it seems to be even to thing for that anymore...



I scraped off the residue with a utility knife as much as I could, and then I started sanding. I used 600 grit sandpaper to remove the remaining residue (It took some work) and smooth the edges of the glass. Then I used 2000 grit sandpaper to polish the edge. You will get the best results using a sanding block or power sander.



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