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Cultivated Reef

Blue-Green Chromis


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I bought 6 Blue-Green Chromis to go into my 37gal reef tank. These guys were added to my 2 yellow clown gobies. The first day I lost one of the Chromis. I attribute that to him just not acclimating. He went down into the rock, never to be seen again.


Now I have 2 more Chromis, one disappeared, the other is dying deep inside the rock. I can see him lying on his side and he has labored breathing. I cannot see any physical abnormalities and my water conditions are fine.


PH = 8.1 - 8.2

Salinity = 1.023 - 1.025

Nitrate = 0

Ammonia = 0

Calcium = 400 - 450

Nitrite = 0

Temp = 78 - 80


I run my skimmer constantly, have an AC500 fuge with caulerpa filled to the brim. I use PhosGuard and Chemipure constantly and I change the water 10-15% every week.


In the last 2 cases the fish looked fine, ate fine, and were very active only to come home and find them missing or dying.


I only feed once per day, usually brine and occasionally formula one and all the other fish are doing fine with no physical abnormalities.


Does anyone have a clue as to what could be happening?



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These guys dont ship well and are handeled like common damsels, rough. Next time QT them to adjust them to captive life and ensure their health. They aren't cake to keep now a days. Being planktonic feeders they also require a good deal of food regularly, like a fairy basslet (anthias).


You did good buying a school though, thats a good way to keep them happy and healthy.


Good luck

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it could of been right from the start...they may not have been healthy at the store..BTW,, i didnt know they were planktonic feeders...mine eats mysis just fine...should i dost phytoplankton....or is there a difference...i guess i better go research..i thought they were like damsels just a little bit less tuff....thanks in advance (sorry to thread jack)


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I love these fish. Just a flash of color all the time. They can be tricky but once settled are nothing to keep. Sicne I use phyto and zoo plankton for my corals, these guys have their pick of food besides their flake. They go nuts when I put in either phyto or zoo. Mine don't go for shrimp much but hang out around an internal refugium and pick off the odd pod or two that make their way to the big waters.

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