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Coral Vue Hydros

20G AGA with 150w MH?


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After working out that the amount of light offered by the standard 13w fluoro with the Via Aqua 10G is not really enough, I am thinking of changing my reef plans (I guess that why it's called "planning" :) ).


I'm currently thinking about a standard 20G AGA (24Lx12Wx18H) with 150w of MH lighting. I'm hoping that the size of the tank and the amount of light will increase my reef tank inhabitant options.


I'm waiting for a couple of books to arrive that will help me with my newb understanding of marine tanks (Shimek's intro book, and Borneman's coral book). While I'm waiting I'd appreciate any input from the good folks here about potential corals to add to a tank this size.





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it would help increase the type of corals you can have, just remember to keep the light about 6" from the water lvl or else that tank would over heat. do you know what kind of bulb youll be getting?

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Thanks for the tip on the closeness of the MH to the water. I don't want to boil my tank :eek:


Apparently the following 150w globe is pretty popular down here (Australia) for reef tanks:


double ended 150W 10000K BLV metal halide globe



A model of 150w MH kit was suggested by a fellow Aussie that is available locally (if any Aussies are reading this, the whole kit is about AU$250 including the above globe).


I'm still researching the requirements of the different corals. I understand that a 10000K 150w MH in a tank that size should provide me with plenty of options. By my calculation, a 20 gallon tank (18"H) with 150w globe will mean a watts per gallon of 7.5. I'm hoping this will be enough for some SPS corals and clams.





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That would be a very nice tank, specs look good.


On another note, just a silly question I would like to ask someone outside of this country (USA that is). I would just like to get an outside opinion on how the world is recently viewing us Americans and this whole Iraq/N.Korea/Afghanastan stuff. I hope everyone was with us with the Al Queda terrorist stuff in Afghan, but what about the Bush hell bent on getting Suddam as well as talks of hitting up N. Korea as well. Are we looking like idiots to others around the world or is the media portraiting us on a good level. Basically, is the world with us or do they think we are nuts? Sorry Chris, I know this should be in the lounge, but I had to ask.

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Originally posted by LiQuiD

That would be a very nice tank, specs look good.


On another note, just a silly question I would like to ask someone outside of this country (USA that is).  I would just like to get an outside opinion on how the world is recently viewing us Americans and this whole Iraq/N.Korea/Afghanastan stuff.  I hope everyone was with us with the Al Queda terrorist stuff in Afghan, but what about the Bush hell bent on getting Suddam as well as talks of hitting up N. Korea as well.  Are we looking like idiots to others around the world or is the media portraiting us on a good level.  Basically, is the world with us or do they think we are nuts?  Sorry Chris, I know this should be in the lounge, but I had to ask.



Took me a while to work out that is about the biggest tank I can put here in my apartment without making the floor cave in :) It's about as wide and 3/4 as tall as my tv. I plan to set it up on the wall, a couple of feet away from the tv. The tank might give me something to watch when some garbage like "Friends" is on.


Regards your other question ... my old man used to tell me if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. Perhaps I better not say anything :)




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