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takin out the balls

Bin Weed

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24 dx

Well i started the tank with the bioballs in the back and will probably end up keeping 2 or 3 in there and take the rest out.

can anyone give me a good rate to remove the bio-balls?

like 2 a week??

thanks much


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sorry, yeah the tank is just about full and the nitrate lvl is about between 0-10ppm. For now i have a Yellow Watchman Goby and a longnose hawkfish, and i plan to add a False Percula Clown (if that matters). I have about 7 different species of coral and an almost abondant amount of LR. Oh yeah the tank has been set-up for about 6 weeks.



still learning

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If you have that much live rock then I seriously doubt that the bio balls are doing much at all. Besides how many are in there like 4? If there were 40 then maybe you would have a problem removing them at once.

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Originally posted by nickbedecs

I guess I don't yet understand why the balls should be taken out.  Can someone get me up to par?


The balls are very efficient at converting ammonia to nitrite, and nitrite to nitrate, but do very little nitrate removal.


Live rock is marginally efficient at all 3 steps of the process. If the live rock and bio ball media are in competition, the bio balls will create nitrate faster than live rock can convert it to gas and release it, so your nitrate readings continually climb.


In the old days, we would use nitrate spirals or algae scrubber trays along with diligent water changes to try to reduce the nitrates. Unless you want to build one of these, you're better off not using the balls.


Hope this was clear


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