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Cultivated Reef

Blue and red Nudibranch


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I saw this today, is it good, or bad. It's the little (1/4th inch) blue thing, with antenas, and red tiped flaps on it's back.




He is one of 4 different types of unidentified nudibranchs in my tank, the other three are green, or a paleish white and green color.

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Second one is not a true nudi, but a harmless algae-eating sea slug. I always forget the name.


The first looks like a true nudi (may or may not be), and thus will most likely be a meat-eater, doomed to die in the tank, and may well release toxins.

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Yup, it's a great site but there's no real way to search; you just have to go to the giant species list and go down the line. Helps if you know about these guys, and it takes forever if you don't.

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the first one has the coloration of a sea goddess but its not cause the sea goddess doesnt have frills...but looks really nice

the others i think are lettuce nudis


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Ehh, no on both of those. Again, the second is a harmless NON-nudibranch species of sea slug that eats algae.

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