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Cultivated Reef

Guys Wot Is This?


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Hey yall can you identify this for me please, I have no idea wot it is but it seems to be doing really well, and came on an established piece of figi LR with a couple of tube worms. ???

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Could be Aiptasia, most I ahve seen were brown, not white or clear. The one thing I would say is don't panic and forget Joes Juice. Too many people over react the minute they see a pest or a perceived pest. Wait it out...if you see another one or 2 pop up then go get a Peppermint Shrimp, far more effective than Joes Juice and a nice addition to a tank.

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Wow thanks guys, my moms been saying "oh thats nice dear" ive been thinking it was something good :(. Well ive been told to wait untill the end of next week before i get a clean up crew so I guess I will get something to sort it out then.

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I've got one in my overflow and it doesn't get any light at all and is pretty much clear. If it starts to brown up a bit, then I'd think it was aiptasia. Give it a little time. If you bother it, does it retract into the rock quickly?

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nope it doesnt retract at all, a little bit of food or something was in the current yesterday and it went past this thing and as soon as it touched it, it pulled it towards the centre.

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Looks like Aiptasia ( might be spelt incorrect??? ), What tank etc are you using? I am too in the UK and the choice of "nano reef" type equipment I am finding a bit limited.

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It's an Aiptasia or similar pest anemone. Exact species doesn't matter--anemones are never (okay, rarely) good news in a reef tank. They have a habit of moving around, reproducing quickly, and then burning and stinging the living snot out of other corals. Not nice.


Inject it (in the mouth, with a syringe and needle; the latter is surgical stainless steel, non-corrosive) with hot Kalkwasser, which is a strong base and will burn it to death just like a strong acid. It'll melt immediately, and it's best to suck that out with a turkey baster or siphon.

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Moronic. Aiptasia aren't just ugly; they kill other corals. I've seen it many-a-time, as have most other folks that have been in this for, oh, more than a week. :rolleyes:

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I would also like to know what is moronic? Aiptasia are definately pests of the most dangerous variety. Frank83 I have had good success with insulin needles that can be purchased at any drug store. Just ask the pharmacist.

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Frag's comment was moronic, if he was being sarcastic. (Apparently not? Ah well.) Aiptasia really do cause a lot of problems.

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Caesar, no sweat man. I'll post pics as soon as i get a digital camera and you will see I am definately not a nooB. I was just trying to help, not be sarcastic. Though, I understand you trying to defend your forum against bad information.

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Heheh... Sorry, man, just sounded like you were dogging on everyone for disliking Aiptasia. It really is a nuisance, or more than that...

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It is by far been the most aggresive life form I have ever come across (as far as insane reproduction). I suppose predation is the only reason that it does not over run the reef.

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