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This moring I looked in my tank and saw that my femal eof a pair of brown saddleback clowns has developed popeye. Its only on one eye and the fish is eating but seams lethargic. Is it a result of damage if only in one eye? If not how can I treat it?

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It's most likely the result of a trauma to the eye. Monitor it and if the fish is otherwise healthy, it will recover in time.

Does it seem otherwise bloated? fins clamped near it's body all the time? White spots or fuzz anywhere on the fish? If so the fish will need to be removed to a quarantine tank and treated with antibiotics. The qaurantine tank would be needed because the beneficial bacteria populations in your reef tank won't like antibiotics, they don't descriminate what they kill. It may destroy your reef's biological filtration.

So, removing the fish is the only way to treat it without running the risk of having your tank crash.


Good Luck!

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