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Cultivated Reef

starting a 10 gal


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Hi I am starting a 10 gal hagen reef tank and I have some expereance on large tanks but nothing this size.


I have so far hagen 10 gal

custom hood with 2 18 light strips

1 aqua clear mini


what do I want to run for lights m-glo and a power glo

what about power compacts

protein skimmer is it needed on this size of tank ( are thous lee's ones that run off a air pump good enuf for this size of tank)

should I build a 10 gal sump or so

is 30lb of live rock or so good

is uva or uvb required

any power heads needed for current (if so a aqua clear 1000 or a zoo med)

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i'd check out the articles chris posted-

but in short i think you can get away without a protein skimmer.

just do your weekly gallon water changes


run the aquaclear mini with carbon in it periodically, otherwise empty for circulation. use another powerhead of about 400lph for added circulation (adjustable flow is nice if you can find one with it)


lighting-big topic but you'll want both actinic and daylight bulbs. not sure what the story is with hagen bubs, sorry! PCs will give you more options. for a ten you could do a 32W smartlight retrofit (maybe combined with current (2x18" i assume so 30W?), an AH Supply 2x36W retro, PSL has a nice hood that will fit perfectly for $100. man so many options, the better the lighting the more options you'll have when it comes to selecting photosythetic animals. in short you need to decide what you want to keep, then decide on lighting.


30#s of rock will be more than enough, do 1-2 lbs/gallon so .25 - .5#/L (hehe) will work.



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i'd go with the PC's for that tank. 2x32w from csl are good.


actually i was just remarking to someone that the lee's aren't that bad. i had never bought one before until recently (due to their diameter size). i'd used berlin before (very good too) but $$$. the lee's a little fragile but if set right it works very nicely. :) takes a bit of room tho. you may want to shave it down and stick it in the hob. (definitely a diy project tho : )


i don't think you need a sump or a uv but many peeps swear by them. optional imo.


LR quantity depends on the type of rock. PH's depends on the aquascape and livestock imo. i would add them last if even needed since you already have a hob.

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20 lbs is more than enough rock. with 30 lbs, good lucky finding a place to put the corals or try catching that fish. from experience, i have 40 lbs of rock in my 29, i had to remove all my rocks out in order to catch a damsel (which was harrassing my clowns). imagine 30 lbs in a 10.

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