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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Need some advice 6g vs 12g


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Hey guys im looking to setup my first nanocube for my bedroom. I was set on a 6 gallon but now am wondering if i should shoot for the 12 gallon.. The 6 gallon will obvioulsy be cheaper....What do you guys reccomend?? On average about how much would it cost to setup a stock cube...Thanks!:)

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At this point I would recommend the nc12 over the nc6, because there are a lot more upgrades available for lighting & cooling. The nc12 does give you a little more room for corals, but it is really more like 8 gallons, not 12, but that’s still a 50% size increase. I really don’t think the stock lighting of the nc6 is adequate. If you want to save money you could probably buy a used nc12 for less than a new nc6 and you might even find one with some mods already installed.

As for cost; I have maybe $350. invested in my nc6, but I know a lot of people have several hundred tied up just in corals for their tanks.


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shao-lin nano

The 12g has better stock lighting and go larger whenever possible. The 12g has also been around the longest so you'll be able to find more people with this tank and ask for help about it than the 6g. This all depends on your budget though.


As far as corals...you can just pick up a few $10 frags of zoos and $5 xenias and watch them grow out. Or you can get $100/head yumas or a few head of blastos or acans at $100+.


Depends on your taste but either way you go it's possible to get amazing results.

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