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Tang in a 29g...


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I really really want a blue tang. But i only have a 29g... Petco has some in stock, they are only about 1" right now. Would it be decent of me at all to buy it, and keep it until it gets 3-4"? And then give it away... sell it or whatever? As long as it gets a bigger home?

Also... how long will it take to get to that size


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90% of blue tangs that size dont make it in the home aquarium. The ideal size is about 4 to 5 inches and that is to big in a 29.

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95% of all maarine livestock, from Petco, would not make it in a home aquarium! lol

I don't see why a small Tang, would not do OK, in a 29 gallon.

Would'nt you rather have a Yellow-Eye? So much cooler, and way more efficient for cleaning.

just my 2 cents.


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I have head experiance with a tang in a 29, it was only a yellow, and it was a desaster, the tank had wayyyy too much bio load, just the tang and a goby, and the tank looked horrible. the tang also gre an inch in less than a year, and was developing hole in the head, but its all better now that hes in my 50, basicaly I wouldent suggest it at all.


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i bought a hippo for my 29, very sorry...have to do weekly water changes, has grown over an inch in about 8 months. Now about 3.75" and needs a bigger tank...I just dont want to tear everything out to get him out. I had a LFS tell my to buy a very small bait hook and fish him out. Been meaning to try it but haven't had time. Anyway I wouldn't recommend a tang of any kind for anything less than a 75 gal fowler! Not for a reef. PITA with the special feeding requirements.

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I guess I'm one of the lucky ones to have one I mean two survive in my 30 gallon. They look really healthy and I've had no problems so far with my tank. Only thing that didnt look too happy was my sps but I already sold all of it. Been in my tank for about 4 months time. Going to get a 150 by the end of the year for them though.

They are nice algae cleaners.lolz

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Most tangs are sensitive, anyway, and the tiny younger ones are much more so, as are many baby fish.


"I just want nemo and dora to be together =("


Read up on the term "anthopomorphism". Fish aren't people...They don't need "buddies" in the way that people might. Besides, a clown would be just as happy buddying up to a clump of zoos or your heater or filter outlet...They're dumb and happy.

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TWO tangs in a 30? And conspecifics... Dang...That's not cool. At least they're going in the 150.


Keep in mind, though, that you have a lot of experience, timb...Or so it seems. ;)

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I don't understand why people want these animals so bad that they're willing to compromise and abuse it/their tank to get them "young". Somebody explain this to me?

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Originally posted by Caesar777

TWO tangs in a 30? And conspecifics... Dang...That's not cool. At least they're going in the 150.


Keep in mind, though, that you have a lot of experience, timb...Or so it seems. ;)


Yup I know its not cool. But they are only .5 inches right now

and they got plenty of room to swim.

I got zero experience thats why I have tangs in 30 gal.:DB)

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I put a small Blue Tang in my 300 & grew 3-4 inches in the first year but that is normal, tank size does make a difference with these fish.

Here is the blue tang:

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