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Is this Aiptasia?


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Thanks for the prompt response.


Ok, I think I killed one of them on another rock.

it was kinda recessed into a hole, couldn't see it too well.. was being cautious.


it's a little obstructed from the front view.. Will keep an eye on it.

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I've had some exactly like that. Nearly impossible to get rid of, and VERY annoying. Mine reproduced quickly, and loved to move around.

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Hrm, I don't like how that sounds.

I've read they can come in some interesting color variations.. but mine doesn't even have any color to it.


Joe's juice it is.

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Joes juice sucks! use HOT lemon juice or inject it with a thick kalk paste.

BTW for the record I had then at one time and they DO propogate as fast if no tfaster than aptasia and they will move all over your tank like Flo said.


I dont doubt ya' tig'. Its just to get them under control so they will stay wher ethey are and not propogate you have to have PRISTINE water parameters. Most dont.

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Some Majanos seem to grow and reproduce slowly, but this strain in particular is just noxious--and, as RMM said, especially in non-perfect conditions (i.e. no $400 ASM/Euro-Reef skimmer. ;) ). I'd kill 'em off, and keep an eye on the spots where they die, because they'll usually come back. REALLY tough to get rid of. Boiling water/kalk is the best thing for 'em.

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