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16g AGA Bowfront- Tampa Bay Saltwater LR!!


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Any ideas as to what this is? Just came out of the rock a few mins ago- orange ringed bristles with white tips- its traveling all over my rock, caused the starlet coral to retract completey- will it hurt my corals?



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that looks like a fireworm, a type of bristleworm. they usually feed on soft and hard corals, small crustaceans and anemones. i would try to get him out of there ASAP. just dont touch it becuase their bristles puncture human skin easily which can cause severe irratation.

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Thanks bbkid - sucked it out and flushed him. As cool as it was to watch him crawl around I figured it was better to get rid of him now then wait to see if he caused a problem later on!

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Got rid of a baby mantis today- looked as if it were dying, it was a very pale color and slowly swimming around. I just grabed it with a pair of forceps. Also flushed a strange worm that looked like a skinny earthworm- didn't know what it was, couldn't find anything like it online so out it went.


Aiptasia is gone- hopefully eaten and not moved to another section of my tank.


Other than that tank looks great- ammonia at 0 and everything else reading at normal levels, looks like the tank didn't have to go through much of a cycle! I wonder if the 5g of old tank water from my FOSW tank helped that much, but there was still so little dieoff that my Remora hasn't had much to do yet!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Full tank as of Sept 19th 2005! Just added the 2nd half of the TBS order- tank has settled down now. Still needs to color up, and I will be cleaning the tank up over the next few weeks- what do you all think of the aquascaping?



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Condylactis anenome (sorry for spelling, but its late and I can't look it up...) What do you think for its survival in my tank? I know its a very hardy creature, and have seen it live for years under terrible conditions (which my tank is not!)- but I will swap it for some coral if the consensus is to get rid of it...

very small now- will certainly move out once it grows larger.



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Can anyone tell me what this anenome is (spelling, sorry again!)... its starting to travel around the tank. Has a very flat disc about 4" in diameter, with a 'bubble' center. Will try for a better picture later...by the way, any idea what the corals in the center are?





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Cucumber which I am worried is dying. It is fairly rigid to the touch and has not moved much (as of a couple of hours). Any ideas? If it hasn't moved by tomorrow, its out of there!



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Thats all I have for now- please let me know what you all think.


If anyone can give me some helpful hints at taking care of the anenomes it will be greatly appreciated as I haven't read too much (or in the case of the strange one, not at all) on these particular species. Usually I would not even think about adding one to my tank, but as these came free with my order and I have seen them do well even under weaker PC lighting, maybe i'll give them a chance until they get too large. Thanks for looking! Its late and I need to go to bed...

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