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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Do sound and light affect fish?


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Hey, I have been pondering this question for a while -



my tank has a chiller coil inside and 400 watt radiums on; does the noise made by the chiller bother the fish? how bout light? do fish care?

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i don't know if it bothers them but they can sure hear/feel it. sound travels ?x's faster and farther in water than air.


again, the lighting should affect them by setting their internal clocks but i don't think the overly brightness should constantly freak them out unless you have very minimal rock and shade for them. if they don't like the light they'll hide (a bit stressful tho).

but then again lunch & nr53 are pounding their 20g with 400w too.


imo the fish should be able to get used to the chiller. in the wild they have the pounding surf or noisy whales and pistol shrimp to contend with.

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Sound travels 4x faster underwater than in air, the only word that I've found that you can understand underwater is Loser.... *Note to aspiring scuba instructors, DO NOT do what I did and take your mouth piece out and call some idiot student a loser while underwater, the ensuing fall out was rather embarassing.

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