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Coral Vue Hydros

fire fish and bangii cardinal?


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One fish in a 7g is more than enough. Go with the firefish if you like them but add a fence around the edge of tank as they are notorious jumpers.


Bangaii would look out of proportion IMO.

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If you add a firefish be careful with how small of a grain size sand you use. They like to burrow under rocks to hide and that type of stuff can cause havoc in a nano tank.


Chris :happy:

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I would say 2 fish would be the absolute maximum in any tank under 10 gallons and you'd probably want small fish that either won't bug each other or are paired so that they aren't competing for space. I would stay away from the Cardinals in that small a tank. Here would be some of my recomendations:


1 dottyback


1 firefish, 1 clown/neon goby


2 firefish


1 Common Clown, 1 clown/neon goby


My personal choice would probably end up being:


1 yellow or blue assessor (or devilfish)


1 Thread-fin Goby (with pistol shrimp pair)

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to answer you question - No, a bangii cardinal would not be appropriate in a 7g - they grow quite quickly, and actually get much bigger then you think - i've go one in my 30 - got him around 1.5" in size and now (6months later) he's hudge!! and fairly agressive bullier.


You could keep two firefish, in a 7g, maybe three for a while - and before i get flamed - firefish actually have a much lower bioload presure then most people think. - small mass, and don't consume alot. ps purples don't seem to get along.

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i have 2 red firefish in my 10 gal..so far they are doing great...got a dottyback as a tankmate but ended up returning it coz it became territorrial and chased my firefishes..i wouldnt go with a banggai either if i were you...just get another firefish, they like to swim in pairs or in groups...and they are relatively shy fishes and would hide for days if a new fish is introduced..especially in small tanks.

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