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Top Shelf Aquatics

Hermit Wars


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Last night I went to check on my tank and noticed that my scarlett hermit in the big ugly shell had decided it was time to get a nicer shell. So, the big guy decided to evict another hermit from it's smaller, cleaner, nicer looking home. I managed to get a bunch of pictures of the vacated hermit waiting while the other hermit inspected the empty shell. I will post them this evening or tomorrow.


Sadly, all this activity went down right near one of my xenia colonies (the pure white one). Now, said xenia has shrunk in size and is lying on the rock, limp and the little pom poms are still pulsing but the poor thing looks ill.


Not sure what I can do to rememdy the situation as my other two xenia colonies (including the one stuck between a rock and the glass) are doing fine. THey are all puffed up and pulsing and swaying in the current.


If that hermit managed to harm or kill my xenia I will be banishing it from the tank.

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Well, I was going to say it's kinda fun to watch hermits fight over shells but unfotunately it's at the expense of your xenia.


Not much you can do for it except hope ot recovers. I'd think the colony would start to perk back up after a few days. Xenia hates stress. A small water change may not hurt but the less change and stress the better for a few days.



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