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Cultivated Reef

My 2g Pico


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you would need like metal halide for those clams right? Even for a small tank? Just a thought i want to do a little research before i shell out 60$ on a clam. My lighting is 9 Watts per gal, it is a 2.5 gallon tank. I know that watts per gallon don't mean anything, just to give some specs.

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You have to be careful w/ lighting for clams, bro. Maximas can do "okay" under PC. Croceas will most likely die. Deresa and Squamosa clams will do fine, IMO. Most small clams (less than 3", IMO) need a lot of filter-feeder-food to stay alive (light alone typically doesn't do it unless it's A LOT of MH). Just speaking from experience and seeing what happens to fellow reefers.


Melev, that tank is awesome. You make me want a pico w/ a seahorse. Where'd you pick him up, anyways? Your work is always an inspiration. No exception here.

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It looks like that guy's gallery was pulled, because the link doesn't go to the stolen image any longer. Thank you moderators. :)


I went barebottom only because I knew it would be easier to keep the tank clean and detritus free. Since there is no filtration, I want to keep the water healthy. I didn't even intend to ever feed the tank, to keep the water pollution-free, but then I went out and bought an ORA tank-raised seahorse, and now I have to stay on top of stuff like temperature, water changes, daily feedings (2x a day if possible)....


My last Maxima did great in my 29g with PC lighting for 2 years. The two were in this tiny tank under 32w should have been fine. I even added phyto to the water, so they had food. I think the older one (1 year old)was sick or had an infection, and it infected the newer clam. I'm just guessing. It was really sad to lose both of them within 24 hours of each other.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice tank Marc, but dont you think the 2 is a little too small for the reidi? that things gonna get about as tall as the tank is. Also theres a little too mutch current in there. From what I understand 7X is the ideal turnover for all seahorses.

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