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i had another idea while setting up my auto top-off


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well, I'm setting up an auto top-off right now and i just had another idea. What would happen if i just tooks some clear palstic and duct taped it over the tanks basically sealing it. The only thing i would leave alittle space for is a bubble stone, and enough air could escape that whole that the plastic doesnt pop . I'm guessing this has been tried before, but i havent heard anything of the results. Feedback please.



BTW- I'm gonna be away for a month, w/ no access to the tank. They lock the buliding for winter break.

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A month? Wow. Depending on what is in the tank, I would take the life out of the tank and transport the creatures somewhere else temporarily or even permanently give them away/sell/trade for credit at a shop. At least the system would still be going with your live rock when you get back and that would be less to worry about when leaving for a month. Then when you come back you can get what life back that you can (if someone kept it for you) or get new stuff if you sold something, or even get new stuff with credit you have. If something goes wrong in the tank, you could have a serious disaster over that month and basically want to just start over with the entire tank. Maybe you have already decided to leave just live rock in the tank and if so, then disregard everything, but otherwise that is a serious risk. I would definitely be interested to hear how it goes however you do it.

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Well my gut response was to automatically say NO, not a good idea but then I see.... WHOA! a WHOLE month the tank is on it's own!? WHOA! again.... I know that is completely not an option with any of my tanks. I think sealing the tank actually may be the best thing then... well not knowing what's in it or how you have it all set up. You know they make those biosphere thingies that are completely sealed.... supposed to work right if stocked the right way.

You might want to try and PM or email Brandon429 for a bit of input on this one.... He is the dood that does the teeny teeny tiny miniscule setups. He seems to have great success with them and he seals them off as much as possible to avoid evap/salinity probs. Good luck with it and enjoy your vacation.... I'd like to hear what you did/how it worked so do tell when it's all over with.

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ok, obviously we're smissing some info necessary to answer this question. - what size is the tank, what are its ocupants..etc..

You started off talking about top-ups, so i'm assuming that you thinking about seeling your tank to minimize evaporation. So if you're worried about evaporation, yes seeling the tank up (almost) will greatly reduce evaporation. As you know you have to have holes for the air you pipe into your system, to escape through. If you closes it up Depending on the size of your tank you may be able to get away with a month with regards to evaporation.

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Oh, forgot to mention something. There is one major draw back to a closed lid on your tank - it doesn't disapate heat very well. If they're locking the building, make sure you keep a window open or something, cause if your in a res that cranks the heatup all the time you could cook your tank.

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My tank is a 16 gallon set up. I have 25 lb of lr and 10 lb of rubble, 1" of live sand. I have on clown about 1" long and thats it for fish. I've got 4-5 snails and five blue leg hermits

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May i suggest that you bring your clown home. You can set yourself up a mini for real cheep, under $20 or so - pick your self up an 2.5g Eclipe or somethin - all you really need is a container, and a piece of your live rock. Buy yourself a gift! or ask someone else to get it for you. You could use it as a small Qtank after.

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No i don't think so, but it depends on what you have. If you just have pulps and mushrooms, then you'll definatly be ok. If you've really stuffed the tank with coral then possible, but still think you'll be safe. I'd do a major water change, just prior to leaving. If you do a MAJOR water change you should be ok. I'd do a 50-60% water change a couple of days before you go, then just before you do I'd do another 50-60% waterchange - Make sure they are gradual, over at least a couple of hours. Use a siphon drip. Obviously make sure you put a tight lid on the tank to preven evaporation, and make sure you leave a window open a bit in the room to prevent overheating (leave a note or something for cleaning not to close)


Not saying everything will look great when you get back, but i think they'll servive, but the fish won't servive four weeks, without food. And forget about autofeeders, they'll kill your tank, as they dump enough food into your tank to feed a whole goldfish pond.

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