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I just found a new creature in my tank. I think it's a sea slug but I want to make sure. It's black. It looks like it has wings actually and it has antenas on it's head. I can post a picture when I get home, but does this sound like a Sea Slug?

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Sounds like an elephant sea slug, harmless. (Not a true nudibranch.) It's kinda big, right, like an inch or so? Slit along its back? But if it's tiny, then it may be something else...

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Yes it's like an inch and a half. So I guess it's pretty big. Last I saw him, it was on the back glass. Not sure if it was eating algae or something like that, but it was moving down towards the sand.

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We actually breed them in our main coral systems. I have yet to catch one doing anything bad- and that's after observing them for over 3 years. They generally come out at night and eat algae off the sides of the tanks.

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I've heard that they'll eat soft corals, but I haven't experienced that in my own tank. Mary vouches for them, and she has dealt with more corals than most of us have ever seen. :P

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