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Today I witnessed a small creature come out of my LR that I've never seen before. My camera sucks when it comes to close ups so I'll describe the creature.


It has the exact body shape and antenna as your common land slug. It's 1/8" big. It's red from front to back. It's slightly translucent so I could see it's internal organs.


It moved very slowly and maneuvered itself in the same fashion as a land slug.


Here's a link to a picture of a slug. It looked identical except for the fact it was pure red and 1/8" long.




Any ideas?

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Well, had to be a sea slug. Hard to know from the description... Did you take it out, at least? (Generally a good idea with any "unknowns".)

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I'll look around, though, and see what I can find.

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I'll try and get it out the next time I see it. It will be hard not to smash it while removing it. Maybe I'll use a turkey baster and suck him up. I'll put one next to the tank for the duration of tomorrow. If I do manage to get it out, I'll use my friend's camera to get a real nice pic for you all. Thanks for all the replies/recommendations.

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Was it short and flat? Check out this pic...



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Yes, I use a turkey baster to suck things up. Only things it hasn't worked for with me are bristle worms and baby octopus--flatworms and nudis are a cinch. :D

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I know it's not your guy, but check out this little cutie:



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Doesn't look like that flatworm (I think that's what you've posted).


The creature in the previous post is cool as hell. That a nudi?

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Yup. A Siphopteron species.


I'll keep lookin' around. No side-flaps that you could see? Any new corals? Know where the stuff would be from? (Indo-Pacific, Japan, etc.?)

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I'll bet it's in the same family as this guy:




Oxynoe antillarum.

If you want to search for yourself:


Superfamily: OXYNOOIDEA

Family: Oxynoidae

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Not a true nudi, his family is herbivorous.

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It looked a whole lot like that guy. The antenna were a bit shorter but that body shape is right on. Think I should remove it if the opportunity arises?

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You can leave it in, in that case. That's the only family it could be in, and they're all vegetarian. What new thing shave you put in your tank? Any new corals, plants, etc.? Out of curiosity, to know what he came on. (Though he may not be new.)

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I take that back... Looks like he could resemble some nudis. Take him out, put him in a jar, and take a photo. :)

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I've gone frag crazy within the last two months. After cycle, I added 1 frag a week. Everything is new. It all came from one of two LFS or via USPS from three different users here on this site.


I'm guessing it came out of the live rock since all of the frags were very tiny and came mounted to miniscule pieces debris.


The LR is Tongan.


Think it's plausible that my sexy shrimp might eat him for a snack? ;)


I'll try my best to get it out. I really want you guys to see this thing. A positive ID would rock. I'll make sure to keep you posted. Thanks for your persistence.

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Leaving him in really shouldn't a big deal, honestly. Unless you see more. But ya never know--I love diversity in my tank, but, frankly, I do like to prevent mass plagues and take out "questionables". Doubt this will end being one of those situations, though, heh. *knock on wood*

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