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Midas blenny & Strawberry Pseudochromis?


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I have a 3 month old 12 gallon nanocube...my 1st midas blenny fatally jumped out of the tank after having him for 2 months (I was devastated...). I'd like to get another midas because he was such a cool fish. To be sure that my 1st & 2nd midas act differently, I'd like to get another fish to go with him (Barney had an only-child type personality--spoiled rotten;)).


My question is: Would a strawberry pseudochromis be a suitable tankmate? I've read mixed reviews about them...I'm planning on adding the pseudo a few days after the midas so the territory is already staked out (although midas blennies are pretty much confined to one area on the bottom of the tank- no swim bladder).


If you say no, then what fish would be suitable? I think clown gobies are adorable but I'm not sure if they would be great for my tank, either. I'd like a fish that swims & stays off the bottom. Oh, and he has to be a fairly hardy traveler as I'll have to move my tank back & forth to school (7 hour drive).


Thanks in advance for all your help!!!

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Both are rather belligerent little Napoleons... Either would be tough to keep with another small fish, imo. I'm not too big on fish compatibility, at least enough to suggest another fish. Tough call.

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I have a small strawberry basselet I'd sell ya. I got him in my 20 with a yasha hase goby and a manderin, and he's peacefull with them. I'm looking to rid of him to get a different fish. Either a clown or purple firefish, but need to check their compatability.

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Like I said I wanna either get a fire fish with an othe yasha hase goby or a pair of clowns. That would put me at four fish in my 20. Five with him. I think thats pushing it. Whatta you think. I'll try to get pics in the AM. I only paid $15 for him. So, I'd say that + shipping.

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Sorry, I decided to keep him as I got a 29g to switch everything over to. I think i can get'em all in there. Plus as I was looking at him, I noticed some whit spots which might be ick.

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It's fine. I like seeing fish before buying them anyways...I'm into the whole personality factor (not to mention I could get one for less than $10 locally). Good luck with him though!


So I talked to my lfs clerk and he said they would be fine together...but I'm always skeptical of those kinds of people.


Any other opinions/suggestions??

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Well, thanks for all your help everyone!!!!!!!






It's just great to know that out of 130 people that viewed my thread, only 2 people responded. What a great place to ask advice! Now let me tell all my friends...

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