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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Hippo Tang White spots on his eye? HELP!


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I know it sounds like ick but do they get that on their eyes? im trying to treat teh tank for ick but was just trying to make sure im not missing the problem.... and i dont want to loose my favorite fish!


Thanks guys

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what size white spots? It is just a haze or actual spots (sugar/salt sized?)


Tangs are well renouned to be "ich magnets", so it's very possible that is what your fish has. They are also subject to bacterial infections.


how big is your tang?how long have you had it?

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He is about 6 inches long and been in the tank for about 2 years but moved the tank a month ago... His eye has 2 small about salt grain im guessing bigger than sugar size dots ive been treating the tank for ick with kick-ick. whats this i hear about garlic? I fed him yesterday with mysis and he still eats like a champ.

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it's probably totally move related stress that brought it on. Hows the water quality? (ammonia, 'rite,'rate, pH, SG?) If that fluctuates, it's stressful.


If it's only two spots, that's a relatively easy case to Cryptocaryon (sw ich). I would feed him well, and keep water qulaity up and the fish will be fine. With that much captive time under it's belt, it should be a good survivor.



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I think ive figured it out the water is pretty close to perfect amonnia is just above 0 and i threw in some charcol wich was defeeting the purpose of the ick med so i took it out he still roams the tank well and eats i was just worried cause i lost my last hippo a month ago in my other tank.


thanks again for the help

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