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Cultivated Reef

24 DX or a 12 DX


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After Christmas so much will have changed that any recommendation now wouldn't mean much. There are several new all-in-one products on the horizon.


My advice: keep reading nano-reef and reefcentral so you're up to speed on what's available, and save as much as you can!

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I'm probably go for the nano-customs tank they're fixing to come out with. Not sure it that's going to be out by christmas or not.

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i would go with the 12 dx becasuse of the more light output. The 12 dx has 4 watts per gallon maybe more if you dont count the filtration chambers and the 24 dx has about 3.6 without counting the filtration chambers.

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I just got a 12 DX and I love the size and shape. I am downsizing from a 20L for this tank :P


Also, from what I understand the 24s have been having more problems with cracking, so I would shy away from them until they improve the quality.

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current usa is supposed to come out with an all-in-one system this fall. I hear it will even have MH! so don't make your decision now

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