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Fin Care


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I just bought a Maroon clown. I was going to get a true percula and spent a good while looking at what they had in the lfs. When I decided on one the guy(knowing I wanted one) proceeds to tell me that they just came in and were not eating yet. So he pointed out a maroon that he said was eating well, after looking at TP's for 45 mins I decided to go ahead and take the maroon(a little rushed). When I got home I noticed the two of his fins looks like someone took a bite outta them. I'm sure this can happen but want to know how to care for them if need be and what to look for incase this is something else. Thanks for your help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi!!!! Wow, I am surprised that noone got back to you faster... sorry about that, I didn't see your post. OK, heres what you need to do. These injuries could be caused by an infection (sometimes, BUT NOT ALWAYS) accompanied by a cottony growth around the fins) or just from nipping, in which case they could become infected. Treat with MelaFix for 7 days just as a preventative, is safe for reefs inverts and the whole 9 yards. Not an antibiotic either, just a 1% solution of tea tree oil. Feel free to email me with any questions... andrew@aquariumplanning.com

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Thank you for your help....I totally gave up on anyone answering this thread. I figured I would at least get a "Go read a book on fincare you moron" but I didn't even get that lol. It's fins don't look any worse than they were and I can't tell yet if they are healing. I will get the MelaFix and try it. Are the instructions easy to follow? Thanks again for your help!!

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Yeah... hey is he the only actual fish in the tank? i have some other exotic wrasses and stuff that bred recently, they're pretty good beiginner fish... i have pics if u want. Anyway, it's no problem, i'm glad to help, i know how overwhelming and scary it can be when u have sick fish :-). The MelaFix instructions are easy, add it straight to the water, one teaspoon per 10 gallons... if you underdose a little its ok, better than an OD (although its not that strong so fish can usually take it). If you use activated carbon i reccomend you take it out because it'll pull the meds right out of the water. they will help him to regrow his fins. Good Luck! andrew@aquariumplanning.com

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Yes he's the only fish in the tank. I'm taking it slow. I'm always up for pics you can send them to my email if you want. I've noticed another fin now looks like a bite was taken out so I think I've got a sick fish. I will get some of the melafix tomorrow. I have a bag of purigen and a bag of Chemipure in the back. Should I remove those?

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The purigen, as amazing as it is, and as much as i love it, pulls out dissolved organics... which is all melafix really is, so it's gotta go, same w/ the chemipure... HOWEVER, i don't know how your tank responds to this kind of stuff, if you think your tank's water quality may fluxuate significantly then it might be more detrimental to the fish's health than the meds getting filtered out after some time, if you think that may happen, pull the chemipure and leave the purigen.

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do you use a protien skimmer? that NEEDS to be turned off, it mentions it on the bottle... the oils in melafix cause some foaming... but will make a skimmer go crazy

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