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Jawfish compatibility


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I have a 20g tank with a Deltec MCE600 skimmer.


I have 5-6inch high substrate of mixed sand and coral gravel.


The whole reason for me setting up a nano is so that I can get a pearly jawfish, so this will be my main fish.


I would also like a pair of clowns, are these ok with jawfish?


I also really want to get any sort of goby/shrimp symbiotic pair, are these ok with jawfish?


What cleanup crew will go ok with the jawfish?


Also any tips much apreciated


Thanks in advance for your help, it seems no-one in the UK keeps jawfish, so I have found it near impossible to get information on them so far.


Kind Regards



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You shouldn't have a problem with a pair clowns. I used to have a Jawfish with 2 Clowns and a Blue Star Leopard Wrasse.


Now a Goby I'm not sure about. If it were say a smaller prawn goby, then I wouldn't see a problem. However, it's more like a Yellow Watchman, then it could be a problem because it sort of looks like a Jawfish.


Any cleanup crew is fine with a Jawfish. Just make sure you don't have any inverts that would nag on him (ie large hermits).


I think you're ready for a Jawfish, you have the correct depth of a substrate, all you need is the fish and a tight lid (Jawfish do jump).


BTW, Jawfish are big poopers :)

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Well thankyou for responding Duke13, that is pretty much what I wanted to hear.


If anyone else has any comments on goby compatibility I would love to hear them as I really would like a symbiotic goby/shrimp pair


Kind Regards



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  • 2 weeks later...

You might have a problem as both of them are burrow/bottom dwellers...

The Jawfish will be very protective of its burrow...Small chasing might happen...

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