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Feather duster killer???


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Hi Maybe you guys can help me, When I left today for 4 hours, my feather duster was fine and open, but when I got home its head was gone, like bittin off. Now I know that sometimes they drop the feather entirely, but this was bitten off as the tip of this worm was ripped off with peices hanging off it, now the worm was still alive but deep in his chute he reacted to my touch, will he make it? Can someone tell me if I have a hidden predator?


My tank has some soft corals,polyps and mushrooms.

I have 3 Perculas,royal gramma, and yellow Watchman Goby.

1 pistol shrimp

2 golden banded shrimp

1 emerald crab

1 nass. snail

5 turbo snails

1 cerith snail

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It was the banded shrimp, definitely. They like to terrorize everything.

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thanks Caesar777 I was hoping not, my big one lost her claws last week when I moved her to her new tank, the male is really tiny but has his, do you think it really could have been them?

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formerly icyuodd/icyoud2

i watched one pull dusters out of the tubes at the lfs. first time i ever saw the feather duster out of thier tubes, crawling/rolling around on the bottom of the tank.

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Yup, even if he's small he'll be aggressive. Sorry! I hate the little buggers. They're cool-looking, but they LOVE to f*k with EVERYTHING!

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