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Hashe Goby died


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I am sorry to hear that your goby died before you even got him.I hope the company you got him from honors some sort of guarantee? anyway, I have a great pair of friends, a pistol and a hi fin goby.They are also known as barber post gobies and are very hardy and not as expensive.

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that sucks yellow, but i really think you should wait on the goby. gobies go through the sand to get stuff to eat for the most part. in a somewhat new 24g tank you're probably not gonna have enough microfauna to keep a goby alive. just an fyi for next time.


as for your question of what will work with a pistol, watchman gobies pair up really quickly with them...just give your tank a few months so that your fish can be able to sustain itself through your sandbed.

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I have to disagree, my hi fin never eats anything off the sand, he was eating fresh food and flakes the second day I got him.Now if your talking about dragonets and scooter blennies, I agree, they never hardly take fish food very well.

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gobygirl3- no, i'm talking about gobies in general...if you don't feed your gobies flake/frozen(as in the wild) they gain all of their sustenence by filtering sand through their mouths/gills and taking out microfauna.


count yourself among the lucky few that have a hi-fin that eats frozen/flake. the mortality rate among those guys is usually fairly high...i wouldn't be the least bit surprised if yours bites the dust within a half year or so.


also, can you explain to me what the hell zooanthella is(in your sig)?...i'm sure you're not talking about the symbiotic unicellular algae...cuz that would be an odd choice to add to a stock list in your sig.

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Actually, you can't generalize gobies because they are too numerous/diverse. There are certain types of gobies that will survive only on microfauna and other types that will thrive on an aquarium diet. Some sift the sand, others swim out in the open and wait for floating chunks of food, while others perch high on rocks and then swoop down and gobble up food on the rocks or in the water column. The family is just too large to make such a broad statement.


Yashe Hasa gobies do fine eating flake and frozen foods. The one I own waits in the water column for me in the morning and totally out competes my other gobies...who all eagerly wait too. He'll even hoard food by taking chunks and then stashing it in his burrow for his pistol mate...and maybe to save for later.

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Yellow Watchman gobies are excellent. They will occasionally sift sand, but also eat whatever you offer them. They don't move around the whole tank like others. They prefer to stay near their burrow, but they should form a partnership with your shrimp (no guarantees).

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i agree with gobygirl


and yosido your generalizing.


i have both a yasha and hi find goby/pistol pairs. and they eat formula pellets only. i NEVER see them sift thru the sand.


sorry for your loss yellowbird, but you should pursue the vendor for a replacement. if not, a hi fin will easily pair up with a randal pistol. and they are alot cheaper.


but personally the yasha is as pretty as they come when it comes to gobys.


good luck.

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I agree about the yasha being pretty, it is an absolutely gorgeous fish! and yoshiod, I corrected my sig. to zooanthid polyps for you.My bad

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Oh I forgot, yellowbird53, the yellow watchman is a fine specimen to have.He will sift your sand but also take foods for you.Gobies are my fave

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Thanks for the responses. Found a Yasha too late.... I will go with the yellow, and am starting twwo new tanks, so the Yasha will be on the stock list soon.

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Originally posted by yellowbird53

My Hashe Goby died in transit!!!


If the Yasha died in transit, aren't they going to replace it?



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My Yashe Goby has been eating brine, dried seaweed that falls down from the other fish and mysis shrimp from day one. I have never seen one of those sift sand for food from it's mouth. He is very active during feeding.:)





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