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Stocking for a 55 gallon?


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Sorry for the not-so nano-reef question, but do you all think that these fish could be put into a 55 gallon together?

flame angel

cherub angel

flame hawkfish

yellow tang

mandarin- only if i can find one that eats frozen foods and if i think my tank will have enough pods to keep it alive.

most of the fish will rbably be added at the same time to decrease aggression. please tell me if this list is ok or if something is wrong please suggest something better. thanks a lot.


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Are you planning on having corals in the tank if so I would not put a cherub angel due to he will eat corals more than the flame. No mandarin at all mimium tank for them is a 90 with tons of pods already there. No flame hawkfish they will eat your shrimps and snails. You might want to add a few


3-anthais, or 5-chromis

1- blenny (of your choice)

pair of clowns (your choice)

1- wrasse (cleaner or six line)


This should start you off please post everything you are planning for the tank so we can really make a good choice for you

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The tank will only be a FOWLR so no corals. i dont think i will do the mandarin or the hawkfish now. i wasnt even aware that hawkfish ate shrimps and snails. i still want the flame angel, cherub angel, yellow tang, and probably the chromis,maybe a small blenny, and the clowns. how does all of this sound? thanks a lot


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Yep, sounds good¡¡ and even if it´s a FOWLR you should consider adding some snails or crabs, unless you want to whipe every rock and glass in your tank.

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I know i am most definantly going to add a large clean up crew to keep everything under control. thanks a lot.


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you are going to have a sand bed right, if so then you still need snails and crabs to eat the alage and nasty stuff that hits the bottom. Here is a suggestion in a 55gallon you should have about a 3 inch sand bed and then you can introduce a few star fish. My buddy has a 55 fowlr and here is his list


2-sand sifting star fish

2- Clowns (true percs)

1- Yellow tang

1- Powder blue

3- Anthais

2- scooter blennys

40- snails mix and match

2-emerald green crabs

8 blue leg and red leg mix crabs


And his tank is beautiful

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I would highly suggest not doing 2 Sand Sifting Starfish, let alone one. They will deplete your sandbed quickly. A 55 gal is adequate space one, two is pushing it IMO. As for a cleanup crew, here's my suggestion:


20 Nassarius Snails

20 Cerith Snails

20 Astrea Snails

5-10 Turbo Snails

3 Shrimp (Peppermint, Skunk, Blood Red, Sauron)

20 Red Leg, Zebra (aka Left Handers), or Scarlett Reef Hermits (avoid the stupid Blue Legs)

Maybe 2-3 Emerald Crabs

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What? That doesnt sound good at all!


Has anyone here every tried to mix the two angels in a tank this size... go try it and tell us what happens.

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Will they really go at it that bad BK? i figured that if introduced at the same time, and the fact that they dont look too much the same that they should be ok with eachother. anyone have any experiance with BOTH of the in a tank?


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Angels do NOT like each other. It's not like tangs, where they can get along as long as they're not similar in shape and color--NO angels will get along with each other, and it's violent. In an LFS setting, I've seen them jump out of their own tanks into each other's just to fight (to the death)...And more than just once. BAD idea.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you're going to get a yellow tang, look into cleaner animals ( cleaner wrasse or scarlet skunk shrimp), I've read tangs are ich magnets, so unless you want a UV sterilizer, the fish should keep the tang squeeky clean. I think I saw a thread on aquariumfish.com where someone said their six-line cleaned their yellow tang, don't know the exact one though, sorry, hope this helps!

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IMO you are going to have problems with those 2 angels in a 55, I would not try it.


Ok the Yellow Tang in a 55, they are slower growers than other tangs but can have aggression problems. Add the Yellow Tang last to your tank, if you don't add this fish last the yellow could set territories and not allow other fish to be added.

Make sure the Tang is fed a variety of foods, Nori plus Meaty Foods, soak your foods in a vitamin (selcon/Zoe)plus soak your foods in Garlic.


I would feed my fish heavily soaked garlic food a week before adding the tang & a week after adding the tang, this should help.

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I have a better idea: don't buy the fish for a while, save that money to upgrade to a 75g and get rid of the horrible shape of that 55 :)

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